Judis: You talked earlier about changing trade agreements so that they reflect the interests of labor rather than capital. But the main thing you mentioned in explaining it is allowing increased visas for guest workers. That wouldn’t seem to benefit a host nation’s workers. Look at the abuse of H-1B visas in the United States.
Rodrik: That’s true. But is also depends on how you manage it. If am a worker in the United States or Europe, would I rather compete with a Bangladeshi workers who is working in Bangladesh under Bangladeshi labor standards and rules and exporting goods into my market or would I rather compete with him in the United States or Europe earning American and European wages and operating under our labor standards? I would much rather than have the second.
Temporary labor mobility schemes would regularize something that is already happening, but informally and with much greater damage to labor markets and countries. They would also improve labor standards of the workers with whom you are competing. I would add it’s not only about guest worker schemes. It is also about much better safety nets. It’s about social dumping.
We protect workers from competition from other domestic workers. I can’t hire workers in the United States who work below minimum wage, but I can compete back door by outsourcing to a company in Bangladesh and doing it that way. So social dumping is essentially a mechanism that undermines domestic labor standards and other norms. Preventing it would be one way of changing the rules to make them more symmetric with respect to how we treat businesses and workers.
- インタビュアー
- 先ほど、資本よりは労働の利益を反映するように貿易協定を変更する、というお話をされました。しかし貴兄はその説明の際に、外国人労働者にもっとビザを出すことを認める、という話を主にされました。それは受け入れ国の労働者の利益になるように思われません。米国のH-1Bビザの悪用が良い例です。
- ロドリック
- 確かにそうです。ただ、それはやり方次第、という面もあります。欧米の労働者として、バングラディッシュ国内にてバングラディッシュの労働基準や規則の下で働いていて我々の市場に商品を輸出しているバングラディッシュ人労働者と、欧米にて欧米水準の賃金を得て我々の労働基準の下で働いているバングラディッシュ人労働者のどちらと競争したいでしょうか? 後者でしょう。