労働者はいずこ? 大退職から静かな退職へ

というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Where Are the Workers? From Great Resignation to Quiet Quitting」で、著者はDain Lee、Jinhyeok Park、Yongseok Shin(いずれもワシントン大学セントルイス)。

The aggregate hours worked of an economy can fall because fewer people work (extensive margin) or because those who work reduce their hours (intensive margin). In this article, we decompose the change in aggregate hours worked since 2007 into the extensive margin changes and the intensive margin changes, and compare their relative importance.
Our main findings are as follows.

  • The negative impact of the Great Recession on aggregate hours worked and the ensuing slow recovery through 2019 materialized almost exclusively along the extensive margin. However, of the 3 percent decline in annual hours worked per person (including those who do not work) between 2019 and 2022, more than half is accounted for by the intensive margin. That is, focusing only on the extensive margin (lower employment and participation rates) will underestimate the total decline in labor supply by more than half.
  • The decline in labor force participation is a continuation of a trend that existed before the pandemic. The most striking fact is the lower participation of young male cohorts without a bachelor's degree, whose participation rate is up to 7 percentage points below that of older cohorts at the same age. The Great Recession seems to be casting a very long shadow, even on those who were in their teens when it happened.
  • The decline in hours worked per worker (excluding those who do not work) between 2019 and 2022 was larger for men than for women. Among male workers, the decline was larger for those with a bachelor's degree than those with less education, and for prime-age workers than older workers. Furthermore, the hours declined by more for workers who already worked longer hours and had higher earnings.
  • Circumstantial and direct evidence indicates that the hours reduction among workers is voluntary. In addition, although the reduction may have been caused by the pandemic situation, it is expected to persist.

Two labor market phenomena were popularized following the pandemic: the Great Resignation in 2021 and Quiet Quitting in 2022, both of which appear in the title of this article. Although some of the people who quit as part of the Great Resignation did exit from the labor force (extensive margin), many others simply found a new job, possibly with an employer offering more flexible work arrangements and less demanding hours (intensive margin), as well as better pay.2 Those who engage in Quiet Quitting do not actually quit or leave the labor force, but stop idolatrizing work and seek more work-life balance, including fewer hours (intensive margin). Our analysis helps us understand the role of both phenomena in the tightening of the labor market.

  • 大不況以降の総労働時間のマイナスと、その後の2019年までの鈍い回復は、ほぼ外延効果だけによって現れた。しかし、2019年から2022年に掛けての(非労働力人口を含む)一人当たり年間労働時間の3%の減少のうち、半分以上は内延効果によって説明される。即ち、外延効果(雇用と労働参加率の低下)だけに焦点を当てると、労働供給全体の減少を半分以上過小評価することになる。
  • 労働参加率の低下はコロナ禍以前に存在していたトレンドの継続である。最も驚くべき事実は、非大卒の若年男性のコホートの労働参加率の低下であり、その労働参加率は、年上のコホートが同じ年齢だった時の参加率を7%ポイントも下回っている。大不況の落とす影は非常に長く、発生時に10代だった人にさえ影を落としているようにみえる。
  • 2019年から2022年に掛けての(非労働力人口を除く)一人当たり労働時間の減少は、女性よりも男性で大きかった。男性労働者のうち、大卒の方が非大卒よりも減少が大きく、壮年労働者の方が高齢労働者よりも減少が大きかった。また、それまでの労働時間が長く所得が高かった労働者において労働時間の減少が大きかった。
  • 間接的証拠と直接的証拠は、労働者の労働時間の減少が自発的なものであることを示している。また、その現象はコロナ禍という状況によって引き起こされたかもしれないが、持続するものと予想される。


*1:原注:For this reason, the Planet Money blog of the National Public Radio called The Great Resignation ”the Great Renegotiation.” (https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2022/01/25/1075115539/ the-great-resignation-more-like-the-great-renegotiation(そのため、米国公共ラジオ放送のプラネットマネーブログは、大退職を「大再交渉」と呼んだ(https://www.npr.org/sections/money/2022/01/25/1075115539/ the-great-resignation-more-like-the-great-renegotiation)。)