
Marc Bellemare(cf. ここここ)がMetrics Mondayで、先月20日に紹介した Angrist=Pischke論文を取り上げている。そこでBellemareは、Angrist=Pischkeは、Dieboldの言うG2ないしノアピニオン氏の言う構造モデルを別に否定しているわけではなく、単に後回しにしろと言っているのではないか、という解釈を示している。

The way I understand their paper, they are not saying that forecasting or proper modeling of the DGP should not be taught–just that it should come after teaching students the relatively simpler, less arcane, and no-less-useful ideas that underlie causal inference and issues of research design.
The way I see it, many undergraduates will never take another econometrics class ever again. Since our job as teachers of undergraduates is to form responsible citizens, and not researchers, I feel like our students are better served when we teach them not to get hoodwinked by causal claims made on the basis of mere correlations. For me, that is a much more important component of critical thinking than knowing which specification test to apply to a regression.