
タイラー・コーエンが、自動化の進展について悲観的な見方を表題のブルームバーグ論説(原題は「Industrial Revolution Comparisons Aren't Comforting」)で示している

“Why should it be different this time?” That’s the most common response I hear when I raise concerns about automation and the future of jobs, and it’s a pretty simple rejoinder. The Western world managed the shift out of agricultural jobs into industry, and continued to see economic growth. So will not the jobs being displaced now by automation and artificial intelligence lead to new jobs elsewhere in a broadly similar and beneficial manner? Will not the former truck drivers, displaced by self-driving vehicles, find work caring for the elderly or maybe fixing or programming the new modes of transport?
As economics, that may well be correct, but as history it’s missing some central problems. The shift out of agricultural jobs, while eventually a boon for virtually all of humanity, brought significant problems along the way. This time probably won’t be different, and that’s exactly why we should be concerned.
By the estimates of Gregory Clark, economic historian at the University of California at Davis, English real wages may have fallen about 10 percent from 1770 to 1810, a 40-year period. Clark also estimates that it took 60 to 70 years of transition, after the onset of industrialization, for English workers to see sustained real wage gains at all.
「今回が違うとどうして思うんだい?」というのが、私が自動化と仕事の未来についての懸念を示す時の最も一般的な反応で、それは非常に簡単な反論である。西洋世界は仕事について農業から工業への移行を成し遂げ、経済成長を続けた。だから今回自動化や人工知能によって置き換えられる仕事も、概ね同様の有益な形で、何か別の新たな仕事につながるのではないか? 自動運転車で置き換えられた元トラック運転手は、高齢者の介護や、あるいは新たな形態の輸送の補修や計画の仕事を見つけるのではないか?
