デロングがNAFTAに関する長文の論考をVOXに書いた(H/T Economist's View、本石町日記さんツイート)。それにダニ・ロドリックが自ブログの表題のエントリ(原題は「What did NAFTA really do?」)で反応した(H/T Economist's View)。
I agree with much that he says – in particular with the points that the decline in manufacturing employment has been a long-term process that predates NAFTA and the China shock and that it is driven mainly by the secular trend of labor-saving technological progress. There is no way you can hold NAFTA responsible for employment de-industrialization in the U.S. or expect that a “better” deal with Mexico will bring those jobs back.
This argument was always a red herring: trade agreements are not supposed to create net employment; they simply reshuffle employment. NAFTA neither subtracted, nor added substantial number of jobs to the U.S. economy. At best, it made the U.S. economy more efficient by reallocating workers to jobs that are more productive.
And certainly this happened. But the overall efficiency gains are quite small, much smaller than what the trade volume effects would lead you to believe. A recently published academic study by Lorenzo Caliendo and Fernando Parro uses all the bells-and-whistles of modern trade theory to produce the estimate that these overall gains amount to a “welfare” gain of 0.08% for the U.S. That is, eight-hundredth of 1 percent! See their Table 2 (here or here). Trade volume impacts were much larger: a doubling of U.S. imports from Mexico.
What is equally interesting is that fully half of the miniscule 0.08% gain for US is not an efficiency gain, but actually a benefit due to terms-of-trade improvement. That is, Caliendo and Parro estimate that the world prices of what the U.S. imports fell relative to what it exports. These are not efficiency gains, but income transfers from other countries (here principally Mexico and Canada). These gains came at the expense of other countries.
そして確かにそれは起きた。だが全体的な効率性の利得は極めて小さく、貿易量への効果から想定されるよりも遥かに小さかった。現代貿易理論のあらゆるテクニックを駆使したロレンゾ・カリエンドとフェルナンド・パロが最近出した学術研究によると、全体の利得は米国の「厚生」利得にして0.08%と推計されている。即ち、1%の800分の1100分の8である! 彼らの研究の表2を参照されたい(ここもしくはここ)。貿易量への影響は遥かに大きく、米国のメキシコからの輸入を倍増させた。
A gain, no matter how small, is still a gain. What about the distributional impacts?
The most detailed empirical analysis of the labor-market effects of NAFTA is contained in a paper by John McLaren and Shushanik Hakobyan. They find that the aggregate effects were rather small (in line with other work), but that impacts on directly affected communities were quite severe. It is worth quoting John McLaren at length, from an interview:Q. According to your study, what are the key impacts of NAFTA on U.S. wages?
For the average worker, there is not much of an impact, but for certain important pockets of workers, the lowered import barriers resulting from NAFTA do seem to have lowered wage growth well below what it would have been. This is particularly true for blue-collar workers. We did not see much of an effect on college-educated workers, and executives at the other end of the spectrum did gain some benefit from globalizing their production line.
There is also a big geographic component. Even if you do not work in an affected industry, if you work in a town that depends on one of those industries, your wage growth was likely affected. For example, a waitress working in a town that depends heavily on apparel manufacturing might miss out on wage growth even though she does not work in an industry directly affected by trade. To me, this was one of our most striking findings.
Q. Among impacted workers, how did wages change?
The most affected workers were high school dropouts working in industries that depended heavily on tariff protections in place prior to NAFTA. These workers saw wage growth drop by as much as 17 percentage points relative to wage growth in unaffected industries. If you are a blue-collar worker at the end of the ’90s and your wages are 17 percent lower than they could have been, that could be a disaster for your family. That was the largest impact we saw, and it is important to remember that the impact is much smaller for the average worker.
So here is the overall picture that these academic studies paint for the U.S.: NAFTA produced large changes in trade volumes, tiny efficiency gains overall, and some very significant impacts on adversely affected communities.
The consequences of NAFTA for Mexico are another topic which would require a separate post. Let me just say that the great expectations the country’s policy makers had for NAFTA have not been fulfilled. Despite the country’s integration into North American production chains, overall productivity has stagnated. Mexico has been one of Latin America’s underperformers.
So is Trump deluded on NAFTA’s overall impact on manufacturing jobs? Absolutely, yes.
Was he able to capitalize on the very real losses that this and other trade agreements produced in certain parts of the country in a way that Democrats were unable to? Again, yes.
では、トランプは、NAFTAが製造業の職に与えた全体的な影響について欺いたのか? その答えは間違いなくイエスである。
トランプは、NAFTAや他の貿易協定が米国の一部の地域に与えた非常に大きな損失を、民主党が真似できないやり方で活用することができたのだろうか? その答えもまたイエスである。
このロドリックのデロングへの反応は、昨年末にここで紹介したTim Duyのクルーグマンへの反応を想起させる。
このロドリックの批判に今度はデロングが反応し、以下の4点を指摘した(H/T Economist's View)。
- 「[分配面の]全体の影響は比較的小さかった」と書いた際に、NAFTAが米国の非熟練労働者の賃金、熟練労働者の賃金、地代、資本収益をほとんど変化させなかった、と書き添えるべきだった。
- 「直接の影響を受けた共同体への影響は極めて深刻だった」というが、そうした共同体は極めて少数で、実質的な補償を受けることが可能だった。1994年に米国の有権者が共和党を議会与党に選出し、ギングリッチを議長に、ドールを院内総務に据えていなければ、それは実施されていたはずだった。
- 0.08%の「厚生」利得はHOV(Heckscher-Ohlin-Vanek)ないしリカード的モデルに基づくもの。しかし貿易からはリカードだけでなくスミス的な利得も得られる。ざっくりとした計算では、NAFTAにより増加した輸入1ドルにつき、NAFTA以前は0.75-0.80セントで売られていた商品が対価として支払われた。これは平均して良い取引である。
- 米国のメキシコからの輸入が倍増したというが、元の水準が低かった。GDPの約1%から2%に増えたに過ぎない。
- 製造業の雇用比率の変化の要因: