
10日エントリで紹介したブログ記事でクルーグマンが、ラストベルト地域にサービス業を移転させても歓迎されないだろう、と書いていたが、その話を詳説したようなブルームバーグ論説が上がっている(H/T マンキュー)。書いたのはミシガン大学のBetsey Stevenson。

Lower-skilled men don’t seem to want service jobs. As the goods sector has declined, so has the labor-force participation of men without a college degree. Today only 83 percent of prime-age men with a high school degree or less are employed or actively seeking work. In 1964, 97 percent were.
...One problem is that these occupations conflict with traditional notions of masculinity. They require sitting, caring and communicating, as opposed to working with big machines.
Trump represents a vision of masculinity that those who embrace the modern economy have readily abandoned. He appeals to people who want to return to a world in which men could be men. He didn’t win because the economy is weak (it isn’t). He won in part because he promised to return us to a time when men are strong and work in manly jobs.
Our economy has evolved, and will keep evolving toward work that requires less strength and more kindness. Despite Trump’s promises, it isn’t possible to roll back time. Trade isn’t the only reason we make less stuff; technological development has also eliminated many of the old goods-making jobs.
By encouraging men to cling to work that isn’t coming back, Trump is doing them a disservice. The more important and difficult task is figuring out how to change the culture in ways that will allow them to do the jobs of the future. In other words, if Trump really wants to get more Americans working, he’ll have to do something out of his comfort zone: make girly jobs appeal to manly men.