
Project Syndicateに各論者が相次いで財政政策と財政赤字や債務の問題について書いているので、各人の論点が最も明確になっているように思われる部分を拾ってみる。

●マーチン・フェルドシュタイン(Martin Feldstein)「Japan’s Economic Quandary(日本の経済的苦境)」(4/29)

Japan’s biggest immediate problem, however, is the budget deficit and government debt. If the BOJ succeeds in achieving a 2% inflation rate, the deficit will rise rapidly, as the interest rate on government debt would increase from the current zero level. Failure to implement the spending cuts and revenue increases needed to reduce the budget deficit would undermine confidence in the economy’s prospects and increase speculation that the government would eventually resort to some form of debt repudiation.


●J・ブラッドフォード・デロング(J. Bradford DeLong)「Rescue Helicopters for Stranded Economies(座礁した経済への救難ヘリ)」(4/29)

Some point to the risk that, once the economy recovers and interest rates rise, governments will fail to make the appropriate adjustments to fiscal policy. But this argument is specious. Governments that wish to pursue bad policies will do so no matter what decisions are made today. And to the extent that this risk exists at all, it is offset by the very tangible economic benefits of stimulus: improved labor-force skills, higher business investment, faster business-model development, and new, useful infrastructure.


●マイケル・スペンス(Michael Spence)「Managing Debt in an Overleveraged World(過剰レバレッジの世界における債務管理)」(4/27)

Many developed countries are also failing to invest in high-return assets, but for a different reason: Their tight budgets and rising debts are preventing them from investing much at all. As this weakens growth and reduces inflation, the speed at which their sovereign-debt ratios can be reduced declines considerably.
In order to spur growth and employment, these economies must start paying closer attention to the kind of debt they accumulate. If the debt is financing growth-promoting investment, it may be a very good idea. If, however, it is financing “current operations” and raising short-term aggregate demand, it is highly risky.


  1. 債務の部門別(家計、政府、非金融法人企業、金融部門)の構成
    • 総債務GDP比率が同じような高水準にある経済でも、構成が大きく異なることがある。特に家計の債務過剰は、資産価格の下落が消費の低下にすぐにつながるという点で危険。
  2. 名目成長率
    • 低成長環境下ではある種の債務不履行の可能性が顕著に増加する。
  3. 金融政策と金利
    • 現在の積極的な金融政策を永遠に続けることはできず、今日の高水準ないし増加している公的債務を維持可能なものとしている低金利が半恒久的に続くという幻想を抱くべきではない。
      • これは上述のフェルドシュタインの懸念と通底している話かと思われる。
  4. 投資
    • これが最も重要な点。
浜田宏一Money from Heaven?(天からのお金?)」(4/29)

Turner believes that Japan, in particular, would benefit from helicopter drops. In his view, MFFP is the ideal solution to spur demand, without further augmenting Japan’s already-heavy debt burden. But Japan’s large public-debt burden is dangerous precisely because of its potential to spur inflation, through the monetization of the debt. In this context, introducing MFFP – a policy that is even more likely to destabilize prices – seems dangerous.


●Andrew Sheng, Xiao Geng「How to Finance Global Reflation(世界的リフレーションをどのように賄うか)」(4/25)

The problem today is a lack of will, not a lack of opportunities, to do what it takes to boost demand. In fact, investment in global public goods – namely, the infrastructure needed to meet the needs of the developing world and to mitigate climate change – could spur global reflation. An estimated $6 trillion in infrastructure investment will be needed annually over the next 15 years just to address global warming. Moreover, the G30 has estimated that an additional $7.1 trillion in annual investment by the nine top economies – which account for 60% of world output – will be needed to sustain moderate global growth.
With the US, the issuer of the world’s preeminent reserve currency, unwilling or unable to provide the liquidity needed to close the infrastructure investment gap, a new supplementary reserve currency should be instituted – one whose issuer does not have to confront the Triffin dilemma. This leaves one option: the International Monetary Fund’s Special Drawing Right.



*2:cf. ここ

*3:cf. ここ