ガルブレイスほどの正面切っての擁護論ではないにせよ、サンダース/フリードマン側にも何分かの理はあるのではないか、という議論は以前からブロゴスフィアで出ていた。例えばEconospeakのサンドイッチマンは、表題のサブタイトルを付けた22日付けエントリ(原題は「Krugman, the Gang of Four and the NAIRU Straitjacket / G. Friedman v. M. Friedman」)で、クルーグマンと元CEA委員長4人組は、明言はしていないものの、NAIRUを基にフリードマンの分析を批判しているのではないか、という見方を示している*4。その上で、NAIRUに対する懐疑的な見方として、直近の大統領経済報告を取り上げたディーン・ベーカーの22日付けエントリ、および、「NAIRUを捨てる時が来た(Time to ditch the NAIRU)」と題されたガルブレイスの1997年のJournal of Economic Perspectives論文を取り上げている。
The point of raising interest rates was to reduce the rate of job creation. The quarter point rate hike in December did not have much impact, but a series of future rate hikes will have us paying more car loans and mortgages, and businesses paying more to borrow for new investment, and state and local governments paying higher interest rates on bonds to finance infrastructure. This will slow the economy and keep people from getting jobs.
However if we look at the research in the ERP, it suggests both that we are still far from the NAIRU and that there would be very little consequence from going below the NAIRU for relatively brief periods of time. This should be a very strong argument for pushing the economy further, as Senator Sanders has proposed to do with his aggressive program.
That is hardly an endorsement of the specifics or the even the size of the Sanders agenda (and certainly not the now famous growth projections from Gerald Friedman), but it does argue for pushing the envelope in terms of bringing down the unemployment rate. As Jared Bernstein and I argued in our book a few years ago, low unemployment is probably the best way to help disadvantaged groups in society.
First, the theoretical case for the natural rate is not compelling. Second, the empirical evidence for a vertical Phillips curve and the associated hypothesis that lowering unemployment past the NAIRU leads to unacceptable acceleration of inflation is weak, and has become much weaker in the past decade. Third, viewed collectively, attempts to estimate the location of the NAIRU have become a professional embarrassment; disagreements remain on too many basic issues. Fourth, adherence to the concept as a guide to policy has major costs and negligible benefits. Conversely, the risks of dropping the natural rate hypothesis are minor, while the benefits from a sustained pursuit of full employment could be substantial.
G. Friedman's projections may well be wrong. But the argument that they are "implausible" is based on uncompelling theory, weak empirical evidence, embarrassing estimates and "a guide to policy [that] has major costs and negligible benefits."
But, hey, you can't criticize the top wonks if the they don't come right out and say it.
弱者救済のために失業率低下を追求すべき、という点は、Mark Thomaも「Here’s Why Bernie Sanders’ 5% Growth Plan Isn’t Crazy After All(バーニー・サンダースの5%成長プランが結局のところそれほど気違い染みたものではない理由)」と題した23日付けFiscal Times記事*8で強調している点である。
Our ability to grow over the next few years depends upon the size of the gap between actual output and potential (trend) output....
However, there is a lot of uncertainty in the estimates of potential output....
Because of this uncertainty, we should not take it as given that our ability to grow over the next few years is as limited as the graph above might imply. An aggressive policy such as Senator Sanders has in mind could, in the end, result in inflation as we butt up against and try to push past the constraint implied by the estimates of potential output. But there is considerable uncertainty about this and there may be more room than we think. As I see it, accepting that our capacity to grow is limited when in fact there is considerable room for growth is a much bigger error than attempting to grow and finding that the gap is small.
In the first case, people who could be working remain unemployed, while in the second there would be inflation. Inflation is relatively easy for monetary authorities to reverse, and the costs fall mainly on the wealthy. Unemployment is much harder to overcome, and the costs fall mainly on the working class. Thus, if we are going to make a mistake, it ought to be shooting for more employment than we need rather than too little.
In addition, the long-run trend rate of economic growth depends upon economic policy. If we implement policies that promote both public sector and private sector investment, it’s possible to lift our long-run potential above where it is today. Actual output would then be chasing a moving target as we try to close the output gap, and we might be surprised at how much our productive capacity, and hence our ability to provide jobs, can be increased.
投資によって潜在生産力も増加し得る、という考えについては、ノアピニオン氏が24日付けブルームバーグ論説でフェルドーンの法則という観点から考察している(H/T PGL@Econospeak)。
If Friedman and others are right, it would up end most of mainstream macro, and would force a dramatic reconsideration of economic policy.
But Friedman’s paper seems far-fetched because the normal action of stimulus -- putting unemployed people back to work -- wouldn't be nearly enough to create the kind of growth Friedman projects. In addition, we would need a huge boost to the growth rate of productivity. Usually we think of productivity gains as coming mainly from technological advancements, something that is very hard for government policy to affect.
The notion that fiscal stimulus, in addition to raising employment, also boosts productivity growth was first suggested in 1949 by a Dutch economist, Petrus Johannes Verdoorn. According to what's known as Verdoorn’s law, all you have to do is boost gross domestic product growth -- for example, by fiscal stimulus -- and productivity will soar as well.
In any case, Verdoorn’s law is an interesting idea. But it needs a lot more investigation before we rely on it. Perhaps a large-scale policy experiment -- for example, spending a lot of money on infrastructure -- is in order. I'd be in favor of that.
*3:そのHPでは、NYTに掲載を拒否されたというクルーグマン宛てに謝罪を要求した公開書簡も掲載されている。同書簡はその前にNaked Capitalismに掲載され、ジャスティン・ウルファーズが、これはフリードマンに分あり、と判定している。
*8:ただしThomaは、このタイトルは自分の意に沿うものではない、とEconomist's Viewで弁明しているほか、2〜4年はともかく、8年間も5%成長を続けるのは無理、とも述べている。また、公共投資に関する見解はクルーグマンと同じ、とも述べている。