
というNYT論説をルイジ・ジンガレスが書いている(H/T Economist's View、原題は「Donald Trump, Crony Capitalist」)。

Four years ago, in the first draft of my book “A Capitalism for the People,” I had a section dedicated to how worrisome a Donald J. Trump presidential bid would be for America. I was not prescient. It’s just that having grown up in Italy, I knew how a real estate tycoon — in this case, Silvio Berlusconi — whose career exemplified crony capitalism could become the leader of supposed pro-market forces, and I knew what it meant for the country.
I cut this section after being told that my point was irrelevant: In America, there was no chance that a character like Mr. Trump would ever be seriously considered as a candidate.
Then 2016 happened. ...
Why have so few serious anti-establishment candidates emerged in the Republican presidential primaries? A grass-roots campaign for a House or Senate seat is within financial reach for some people, but not a presidential run. Without the support of big business, a Republican candidate would be unable to raise that kind of money.
But Mr. Trump does not need rich donors. To his supporters, he appears to be a free-market evangelist. According to the latest Booth-Kellogg survey, 38 percent of American voters think that Mr. Trump has the most pro-market platform of any candidate (a lead of 13 points over the next candidate). If a cursory glance at his very vague platform — heavy import tax on China, a wall against immigration, etc. — is not sufficient to see how misplaced this trust is, look at Mr. Trump's career.
As a businessman Mr. Trump has a longstanding habit of using his money and power aggressively to obtain special deals from the government. ...
He is, in short, the essence of that commingling of big business and government that goes under the name of crony capitalism.
We cannot blame voters for being confused about pro-business versus pro-market politicians. The Republican establishment deserves most of the responsibility. Being pro-market means being in favor of competition and against excessive concentration, as Theodore Roosevelt was. Business executives are pro-market when they want to enter a new sector.
But when they become established in a sector, they favor entry restrictions, excessive licensing, distortive regulation and corporate subsidies. Those policies are pro-business (in the sense that they favor existing businesses), but they are harmful and distort a competitive market economy.
The forced identification between the interest of markets and that of business practiced by the Republican establishment in the last 30 years made it easier for Republican voters to fall for Mr. Trump, a businessman who pretends to uphold free-market principles.
It is an indication of a country's institutional corruption when inside a main party the only alternative to the prevailing crony capitalism is a tycoon with a long history of shady deals.
なぜ共和党の大統領予備選にはまともな反エスタブリッシュメントの候補があまり現れないのであろうか? 下院や上院の議席ならば草の根選挙活動による資金集めで手の届く人もいるが、大統領選ではそれは無理である。大企業の支援抜きでは、共和党の候補はそれだけの資金を集めることができない。

最後の一文から小生は田中角栄自民党のトップに上り詰めたことを想起した。実際、「ベルルスコーニ 田中角栄」や「トランプ 田中角栄」でぐぐってみると、それぞれの類似性を指摘する声に幾つか行き当たる。



