
チリでの年金民営化を労働・社会保障大臣として成功させ、その後、ケイトー研究所のシニアフェローとして世界に年金民営化を広める伝道師となっているホセ・ピネラ(José Piñera)が、クリントン政権時代に米国での年金改革の実現に尽力した経緯を同研究所のサイトに記している(H/T Mostly Economicsの表題のエントリ*1)。

Then, in his January 1998 State of the Union address, President Clinton warned the nation of the coming Social Security crisis and called for an open debate on the needed reforms: “We will hold a White House conference on Social Security in December. And one year from now, I will convene the leaders of Congress to craft historic bipartisan legislation to achieve a landmark for our generation, a Social Security system that is strong in the 21st century.”

On the heels of this speech, I realized that no momentum could be lost. I needed to reach the president himself. Knowing Clinton’s reputation as a voracious reader, I resolved to write an open letter to the president in a major newspaper, where he was sure to take notice. And so that April, at a Tokyo conference organized by the Cato Institute and the powerful Keidanren, the Japanese business association, I broached the idea of my open letter to a fellow speaker, George Melloan of the Wall Street Journal. He told me it was highly unusual for the Journal to publish such a piece, but after reading a draft he enthusiastically accepted. Melloan asked me to send it by fax to the Journal’s Americas columnist Mary O’Grady in New York. From the Imperial Hotel my Cato colleague Bob Borens and I spent the whole night exchanging faxes between Tokyo and downtown New York, revising every comma of the draft until we were all fully satisfied.

The letter was published on the editorial page on April 10, 1998. In it I described the success of the Chilean reform and urged the president to embrace a private-accounts option for Social Security, to avert the looming insolvency and to spread wealth more widely.

この公開書簡を出した後ピネラは、米大統領経済顧問のジーン・スパーリングから、12月のコンファレンスにおいて年金の民間口座について講演するように依頼される(唯一の非米国人講演者だったとの由)。そして翌1999年1月の一般教書演説でクリントンは、普遍的貯蓄口座(universal savings accounts=USA accounts)の設立構想を打ち出す。しかしその構想はモニカ・ルインスキーのスキャンダルによって水泡に帰すことになった、とピネラは極めて残念そうに回想している。

チリの年金改革については、「チリ 年金」でぐぐると日本語でも様々な文献が見つかる。ピネラについては、例えばこちらの本では肯定的に描かれているが、こちらのレポートのケイトー研究所に関する記述では否定的に評価されている。

*1:原題は「A tale of Chilean social security system and how Lewinsky prevented reform of the same in US….」。

*2:cf. ここ