とニュースクールのランス・テイラーがINETのインタビューで述べている(H/T Mostly Economics)。
- I want to really start out with a basic question. Do economists understand the economy?
- No.
- That was really quick answer.
- When you tip me off.
- Tell me a little bit more. Why do you think that is?
- Well, this is division between macro and micro, and people understand a little bit at both levels. They don't understand and have hung together. A lot of discussion I had with people here has been about that. I mean, macro things sort of have to add up. We know that and that actually comes from Keynes, but nothing that comes from Keynes... it's completely unpredictable how people behave in certain circumstances, e.g. the financial crisis, and which was completely unforeseen by all the best macroeconomists in the world, and, so yeah, we're missing things there.
Official microeconomics is a bunch of just so stories about smart shopping and sort of putting nuts and bolts together in an efficient way which some are descriptive, but then it omits all kinds of interesting issues like economies of scale in production and all the interactions of individuals with each other which are not mediated through the price system but would still have economic impacts. So a little bit is understood at both levels.
- インタビュアー
- 基本的な質問からまずお伺いしたいのですが、経済学者は経済を分かっているのでしょうか?
- テイラー
- いいえ。
- インタビュアー
- 凄い即答ですね。
- テイラー
- 貴女がキューを出したタイミングでね。
- インタビュアー
- もう少し詳しく教えてください。どうしてそう思われるのですか?
- テイラー
- まず、マクロとミクロの間の分断があります。人々はそれぞれの側面について少しだけ理解していますが、完全に筋道が立つ形で理解してはいないのです。ここの人たち*1と多くの議論を重ねましたが、それはその点についてでした。