
大不況入り後に米国の自然利子率が急低下した、というSF連銀の論文クルーグマン取り上げFRBが利上げを急ぐべきでない証左として訴えた。一方、Carola Binderが同論文について以下のような技術的な指摘を行っている(H/T Economist's View)。

The authors' estimates come from a methodology they developed in 2001 (published 2003). The earlier paper noted the imprecision of estimates of the natural rate. The solid line in the figure below presents their estimates of the natural real interest rate, while the dashed line is the real federal funds rate. The green shaded region is the 70% confidence interval around the estimates of the natural rate. (Technical aside: Since the estimation procedure uses the Kalman filter, they compute these confidence intervals using Monte Carlo methods from Hamilton (1986) that account for both filter and parameter uncertainty.) The more commonly reported 90% or 95% confidence interval would of course be even wider, and would certainly include both 0% and 6% in 2000.
The newer paper does not appear to provide confidence intervals or standard errors for the estimates of the natural rate. As the figure below shows, the decline in the point estimate is pretty steep, and this decline is robust to alternative assumptions made in the computation, but robustness and precision are not equivalent.
Note the difference in y-axes on the two preceding figures. If you were to draw those green confidence bands from the older paper on the updated figure from the newer paper, they would basically cover the whole figure. In a "statistical significance" sense (three stars***!), we might not be able to say that the natural rate has fallen.

        Source: Laubach and Williams 2001

