
共和分を批判した表題の論文を読んで、Dave Gilesが激おこぷんぷん丸になっている。論文の原題は「Why Most Published Results on Unit Root and Cointegration are False」で、著者はアルゴマ大のHari S. LuitelとGerry J. Mahar。

The method of cointegration analysis for modeling nonstationary economic time series variables has become a dominant paradigm in empirical economic research. Critics argue that a cointegration analysis produces results that are, at best, useless and, at worst, dangerous. In this research, we explain why and how the use of a cointegration analysis in economic research will likely lead to findings and subsequent recommendations for public policy that will be unsound, misleading and potentially harmful. We recommend that, except for pedagogical review of policy failure of a historical magnitude, this method not be used in any analysis that affects public policy.


In summary, three analogies between cointegration analysis and a sandcastle may be appropriate. First, a sandcastle may be built on sand, so it falls down because the foundation is not solid. Second, a sandcastle may be badly built. Third, a sandcastle built on seashore with a bad design may stay up but will not withstand the ebb and flow of the tides. The cointegration analysis, like a sandcastle, collapses on all three counts. In several planned research publications, we will report the criticism of research outcomes (results) and the methods employed to obtain such results. Below we provide one example why a research finding using the methodology of cointegration analysis to be false. (pp.11-12)

In the name of science, cointegration analysis has become a tool to justify falsehood -- something that few people believe to be true but is false. We recommend that except for a pedagogical review of a policy failure of historical magnitude, the method of cointegration analysis not be used in any public policy analysis. (p.14)
