
イェシバ大学のAriel Malkaとトロント大学のMichael InzlichtがNYT論説でそう書いている(H/T Economist's View本石町日記さんツイート)。

Our research, which we published along with Christopher J. Soto of Colby College and Yphtach Lelkes of the University of Amsterdam, was the largest cross-national test of how a conservative personality style actually relates to cultural and economic attitudes. Analyzing responses from over 70,000 people from 51 countries, we found that people with a conservative personality did indeed tend to adopt culturally conservative attitudes on matters like abortion, homosexuality and immigration. On this count, the rigidity of the right model seems to be valid.
But when it came to economic matters related to social welfare policy and economic intervention — the central feature of the left-right divide in much of the world — the results were far different. People with a conservative personality tended to lean slightly to the left.
コルビー大学のChristopher J. Sotoとアムステルダム大学のYphtach Lelkesと共著した我々の論文*1では、最大級の規模の国際比較により、保守的な性格スタイルが実際にどのように文化面および経済面の意識と結び付いているかを検証した。51ヶ国の7万人以上からの回答を分析した結果、保守的な性格の人が、中絶、同性愛、移民といった問題に対して実際に文化的に保守的な態度を取る傾向があることを見い出した。その点では、右派頑固モデルは有効であるように思われる。


しかし、今回の研究では、彼らは文化面はともかく経済面では左派の経済政策を好む、という結果が得られた。それについて記事では、「秩序と安定を優先することは、左派の経済政策が提供を掲げている保障を求めることにつながる(Prioritizing order and stability will lead to a yearning for the security that left-wing economic policies aim to provide)」という説明を示している。右派頑固モデルは根本的に間違っていた、というのが著者たちの見解である。


Our cross-national evidence was consistent with this argument: Over all, having a conservative personality made people lean to the left economically — with an important exception. Among people who were both highly attentive to politics and from countries in which left-right ideological conflict was prominent, like the United States, having a conservative personality was associated with holding right-wing economic views.


What does all of this mean for ideological conflict in the United States? For one thing, we must be cautious about accepting claims that a broad ideological conflict, pitting culturally traditional and free-market conservatives against culturally progressive and redistributive liberals, is a natural consequence of personality differences. There's nothing natural about it: Such a conflict has more to do with the political messages that Americans receive about the nature of politicians' ideological conflict.
If there is nothing set about the combinations of political views we adopt, then there is nothing to say those combinations of attitudes can't change. Indeed, decades of research in political science have shown that the dominant packages of political attitudes often do change, as a result of messages from political elites. While such insight will not soften our hostile partisan climate, it might be helpful to keep in mind as we experience the highest levels of political polarization that the nation has seen in decades.
以上のことは、米国におけるイデオロギー対立にとってどのような意味を持つであろうか? 一つには、文化面で守旧的な自由市場主義の保守派と、文化面で進歩的な再配分を重んじるリベラルとが相争う全般的なイデオロギー対立は、性格の違いがもたらす自然な帰結である、という主張を受け入れるのには慎重であるべき、ということになる。そのことは自然でも何でもない。そうした対立は、政治家のイデオロギー対立の性質について米国人が受け取る政治的メッセージとの関連性の方が強い。

