引き続きスヴェンソンねた。以下は、以前ここで紹介したリクスバンクの内紛の顛末に関する「Central banks: Stockholm syndrome(中央銀行:ストックホルム症候群)」と題されたFT記事の一節(H/T スヴェンソンのブログとツイート、およびクルーグマンブログ)。
The lessons for other central banks from the Riksbank’s actions fall into two broad categories. First, there is the difficulty of using monetary policy not to guide inflation but instead to try to rein in household debt or asset bubbles – what economists call “leaning against the wind”. The ECB is also battling against deflation while some of its members worry about the impact of low interest rates on financial stability. Mr Svensson’s advice is not to confuse objectives: “There is really no evidence that monetary policy has a systematic effect on financial stability.”
A second lesson for central banks is to be cautious when raising rates after a crisis. “I can assure you that people at the Fed have heard about this and are thinking about it,” Mr Krugman says. Both he and Mr Svensson invoke the Fed’s decision to tighten in 1937 – which is blamed for tipping the US back into recession.
So where does this leave Sweden? Some have sought to compare the country to Japan but Mr Svensson does not agree. “I don’t see it as out of control yet,” he says. “It’s not like Japan where the Bank of Japan did not have control.”
Sweden’s mix of zero rates, no inflation, some growth and expanding credit means its policy makers are set to be in the spotlight for some time. “The Riksbank may have done a great disservice to its own economy but it may have done a service to the global economy,” he says.
そこでスウェーデンの現状はどうなのか? 日本に準えようとする者もいるが、スヴェンソン氏はそれには与しない。「まだコントロールを失っていない、と思う」と彼は言う。「日銀がコントロールしていなかった日本とは違う。」
記事では、FRBにいたら「退屈な主流派の人間(boring mainstream person)」と見做されただろうが、スウェーデンでは「異端児(outlier)」だった、というスヴェンソンの自己評を伝えている。
It is not a secret that I regret that increase. But I hadn't learnt to look at unemployment and disregard the unreliable output gap