以前紹介した予防的金融引き締め措置に関する論文の続編とでも言うべき表題のNBER論文(原題は「Leaning Against the Wind: The Role of Different Assumptions About the Costs」)をスヴェンソンが書いている(関連ブログエントリ、ungated版もそこでリンクされている)。
“Leaning against the wind” (LAW), that is, tighter monetary policy for financial-stability purposes, has costs in terms of a weaker economy with higher unemployment and lower inflation and possible benefits from a lower probability or magnitude of a (financial) crisis. A first obvious cost is a weaker economy if no crisis occurs. A second cost—less obvious, but higher—is a weaker economy if a crisis occurs. Taking the second cost into account, Svensson (2017) shows that for representative empirical benchmark estimates and reasonable assumptions the costs of LAW exceed the benefits by a substantial margin. Previous literature has disregarded the second cost, by assuming that the crisis loss level is independent of LAW. Some recent literature has effectively disregarded the second cost, making it to be of second order by assuming that the cost of a crisis (the crisis loss level less the non-crisis loss level) is independent of LAW. In these cases where the second cost is disregarded, for representative estimates a small but economically insignificant amount of LAW is optimal.
ちなみにブログでは、International Journal of Central Bankingの次号に掲載予定だというもう一つのフォロー論文「Leaning Against the Wind: Costs and Benefits, Effects on Debt, Leaning in DSGE Models, and a Framework for Comparison of Results」(同時掲載の二編の論文への反論論文らしい)も紹介されている。以下はその要旨。
The simple and transparent framework for cost-benefit analysis of leaning against the wind (LAW) in Svensson (JME 2017) and its main result are summarized. The analysis of the policy-rate effects on debt in Bauer and Granziera (IJCB 2017) does not seem to contradict that the effects may be small and of either sign. The analysis of LAW in DSGE models is complicated and the results of Gerdrup et al. (IJCB 2017) may not be robust. The Svensson (JME 2017) framework may allow comparison and evaluation of old and new approaches and their results. As an example, it is shown that these three papers result in very different marginal costs of LAW and that a realistic policy-rate effect on unemployment is crucial.
スヴェンソン(JME 2017)における予防的金融引き締め措置(LAW)の費用便益分析についての単純で分かりやすい枠組みと、その主要な結果を要約する。Bauer=Granziera(IJCB 2017)における債務への政策金利の影響に関する分析は、その影響が小さく符号がまちまちである可能性がある、ということとは矛盾しないように思われる。DSGEモデルにおけるLAWの分析は複雑であり、Gerdrup et al.(IJCB 2017)の結果は頑健でない可能性がある。スヴェンソン(JME 2017)の枠組みでは、新旧の手法ならびにその結果の比較と評価が可能である。例として、以上の三篇の論文ではLAWの限界費用が大きく異なること、および、政策金利の失業への現実的な影響が極めて重要であることが示される。