昨日紹介したスウェーデン・ルンド大学のFredrik N G AnderssonとLars Jonungによる批判に、スヴェンソンが自サイトで猛然と反論している(17日エントリ、20日エントリ、20日エントリでリンクされたメモ;H/T スヴェンソンのツイート)。
- インフレ率として四半期データの代わりに年次データを用いたが、そのためにデータのオーバーラッピングの問題が生じた。
- Andersson=Jonungがインフレ率として年次データを用いたのは予想インフレ率が年次データであるためだが、それは年次データを使う根拠として弱い、とスヴェンソンは指摘している。というのは、予想インフレ率をインフレ率の測定期間よりも長期に当てはめるのは普通のことであり、特にスウェーデンのように賃金交渉による合意が複数年に跨る場合はそのことがよく当てはまる。また、次年のインフレ予想が4四半期に亘って概ね一様に分布するというのは自然な仮定である。
- オーバーラッピングの問題に対処するために2段階最小二乗回帰を用いたが、操作変数が説明変数と十分な相関を持っていない。
以下は20日エントリでリンクされたメモからの引用(なお、この中のSvensson(2015)はAmerican Economic Journal: Macroeconomics 7(1)に掲載予定の論文、Svensson(2014)は17日エントリを指している)。
Since Andersson and Jonung insist on using data on annual inflation rather than quarterly inflation, they face an overlapping-data problem with moving-average error terms. In line with the strong conclusion and recommendation of Harri and Brorsen (2009), it would be better to use data on non-overlapping quarterly inflation, as I do in Svensson (2015). A second-best very common alternative with overlapping data is to use OLS with Newey-West errors, as I do in Svensson (2014). Since I get similar results with data on annual inflation in Svensson (2014) as with data on quarterly inflation in Svensson (2015), this indicates that in this case OLS with Newey-West errors works well for annual data, and that my results for the Phillips curve are robust, in line with the other numerous robustness tests I conduct in Svensson (2014, 2015).
But Andersson and Jonung insist on their own solution to the overlapping-data problem, namely to use 2SLS with instrumental variables that are lagged 5 and 6 quarters, so as to be uncorrelated with the error term. This might have worked, if their instruments had been sufficiently correlated with the explanatory variables in the Phillips curve. But if the instruments are weak, that is, they have low correlation with and are bad predictors of the explanatory variables, the predicted values of the explanatory variables will have little variation. Then the estimates of the coefficients of the explanatory variables may be biased, and the coefficients may get large confidence intervals that include zero, meaning that the coefficients are not significantly different from zero.
This seems to be precisely what happens in their 2SLS regressions. Their instruments soundly fail the standard Cragg-Donald F-test and are very weak. And the coefficients of the unemployment terms indeed get large confidence intervals and are not significantly different from zero.
*1:Andersson=Jonung論文では「As instruments we use the 5th and 6th lag of the explanatory variables in the models and the 5th and 6th lag of US inflation, euro area inflation, US unemployment and euro area unemployment.」と書かれている。