ゴードン「実質成長率が3%台に戻す? 供給が追い付かないよ?」

以下は、ロバート・ゴードンのNBER論文「A New Method of Estimating Potential Real GDP Growth: Implications for the Labor Market and the Debt/GDP Ratio」の要旨。

Forecasts for the two or three years after mid-2014 have converged on growth rates of real GDP in the range of 3.0 to 3.5 percent, a major stepwise increase from realized growth of 2.1 percent between mid-2009 and mid-2014. However, these forecasts are based on the demand for goods and services. Less attention has been paid to how the accelerated growth of real GDP will be supplied. Will the unemployment rate, which has declined at roughly one percent per year, decline even faster from 6.1 percent in June, 2014 to 3.0 percent or below in 2017? Will the supply-side support for the demand-side optimism be provided instead by a major rebound of productivity growth from the average of 1.2 percent over the past decade and 0.6 percent for the last four years, or perhaps by a reversal of the minus 0.8 percent growth rate since 2007 of the labor-force participation rate?

The paper develops a new and surprisingly simple method of calculating the growth rate of potential GDP over the next decade and concludes that projections of potential output growth for the same decade in the most recent reports of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) are much too optimistic. If the projections in this paper are close to the mark, the level of potential GDP in 2024 will be almost 10 percent below the CBO’s current forecast. Further, the new potential GDP series implies that the debt/GDP ratio in 2024 will be closer to 87 percent than the CBO’s current forecast of 78 percent.

This paper also has profound implications for the Federal Reserve. The unemployment rate has declined rapidly, particularly within the last year. Faster real GDP growth will accelerate the decline in the unemployment rate and soon reduce it beyond any estimate of the constant-inflation NAIRU, even if productivity growth experiences a rebound and the labor force participation rate stabilizes. The macro economy is on a collision course between demand-side optimism and supply-side pessimism.
2014年半ばから2〜3年後の実質GDP成長率の予測は3.0%から3.5%の範囲に収束し、2009年半ばから2014年半ばに掛けての実際の成長率である2.1%から一段と大きく上昇した。しかし、これらの予測は財とサービスへの需要に基づいている。実質GDP成長の加速が供給面でどう裏付けられるかという点は、あまり関心が払われていない。毎年ほぼ1%ずつ低下してきた失業率が、2014年6月の6.1%から2017年には3.0%ないしそれ以下にまでさらに下がるのか? あるいは、需要面の楽観的な見通しに対する供給面の裏付けは、過去10年平均が1.2%で4年平均が0.6%だった生産性成長率の大きなリバウンドによりもたらされるのか? もしくは、ひょっとすると2007年以降マイナス0.8%だった労働力参加率の伸びの逆転によってもたらされるのか?