
リッチモンド連銀の季刊誌Econ Focusの13年第4四半期号が、バーナンキと共にファイナンシャル・アクセラレーター理論を展開したマーク・ガートラーのインタビューを掲載している(H/T マンキューEconomist's View)。


EF: Do you think that monetary policy should have been different during this period?
Gertler: It’s possible that short-term interest rates contributed to the growth of the subprime market, because there were a number of borrowers taking variable rate mortgages, but I think that consideration was second order, relative to the deregulation. That is, if we had adequate regulation of subprime lending, then I don’t think the low interest rates would have contributed to the crisis at all.
Also, people fail to take into account the trade-offs. We had a very weak employment situation. Had we raised interest rates only a little bit, we would have done nothing to curb the housing bubble, and if we’d raised them quite a bit, we would have killed the economy.




EF: Does the fact that the quantity of reserves is so high matter for how the economy is going to perform in the future?
Gertler: It’s possible, as interest rates go up, that the Fed could take some capital losses, as private financial institutions do. But the beauty of the Fed is it doesn’t have to mark to market; it can hold these assets until maturity, and let them run off. So I’m in a camp that thinks there’s been probably a little too much preoccupation with the size of the balance sheet. It could be a problem if the economy continues to grow slowly, and the balance just keeps growing without bound, but I don’t think we’re quite there yet.


