
という現ブラウン大学のエガートソンがNY連銀時代に書いた共著論文NBER論文になり、Mark Thomaデロングが必読としてリンクしたほか、バリー・リソルツもブログに論文を掲載している。論文の原題は「Is Increased Price Flexibility Stabilizing? Redux」で、著者はSaroj Bhattarai(ペンシルベニア州立大)、Gauti Eggertsson、Raphael Schoenle(ブランダイス大)。

We study the implications of increased price flexibility on output volatility. In a simple DSGE model, we show analytically that more flexible prices always amplify output volatility for supply shocks and also amplify output volatility for demand shocks if monetary policy does not respond strongly to inflation. More flexible prices often reduce welfare, even under optimal monetary policy if full efficiency cannot be attained. We estimate a medium-scale DSGE model using post-WWII U.S. data. In a counterfactual experiment we find that if prices and wages are fully flexible, the standard deviation of annualized output growth more than doubles.