

特に最後のBraultの連ツイでの指摘は、論文の著者の一人のDaniel J. McDonaldも認めたようにみえる(謝辞を返している)ほか、Del Negroも認めたようにみえる(やはり謝意を評している)ので、論文の前半のポイントについて現時点での一つの痛打になっているように見受けられる。以下はその連ツイ。

An update to my previous thread on the McDonald-Shalizi paper. After looking at their codes I believe the findings in this paper are a result of coding errors. Not to do with the optim. procedure, but with the definition of model and data. Explanation in the following tweets.
Many LRE DSGE models are written in a canonical form and solved using Chris Sims Gensys routine. The canonical form is given by T0*y(t) = T1*y(t-1) + PSI*z(t) + PI*eta(t), where the y’s refer to model variables, z to exogenous variables, and eta’s to expectation errors.
T0, T1, PSI, and PI are just coefficient matrices defining the equations of the model. When writing down the model the authors include the standard deviations of the structural shocks (the “sigmas”) as parameters in PSI.
This means that any shock in z(t) will be scaled by its own standard deviation in PSI. This is not necessarily a problem, but an error occurs when the authors go to generate the simulated data used in this paper.
To generate simulated data involves generating a series of shocks and feeding them through the model. The authors draw shocks from a var/cov matrix where the variances are equal to sigma^2s. Hopefully the problem here is obvious.
The authors draw a series of shocks, z(t), where each shock has a standard deviation equal to it’s corresponding sigma. The shock is then again scaled by the sigmas in PSI before affecting model variables.
This means that the shocks used in the simulated data are much smaller than they should be. It also helps explain why the estimates they find for the sigmas are effectively the “true” sigmas squared (see figure 7 in their paper).
A quick sanity check for this point is to take the same calibration of parameters/shocks and generate data using their codes and the Smets-Wouters codes for DYNARE-Matlab. The volatility of variables should be the same.
Instead, what you’ll find is that the volatility of variables in the simulated data from their code is dramatically lower than what you find from DYNARE. The attached image is simulated output growth using identical calibrations.
This error is likely to make much of the subsequent analysis incorrect, since forecasts about the future states of the world will depend on beliefs about the possible shocks that may occur.
Also, in the model solution (modelsol.R) the authors parameterize the fixed cost share and the Taylor rule inflation feedback parameter to the same thing. This is obviously a typo as cfc should be parameter 26 in the vector. I have no idea how this impacts their results.
As usual, the DYNARE codes for this thread are available at https://github.com/braultjosh/SmetsWouters. The codes for the McDonald-Shalizi paper are available at https://github.com/dajmcdon/dsges (Thanks to @dajmcdon for sharing these).
多くの線形合理的期待DSGEモデルは標準的な形式で書かれ、クリス・シムズのGensysルーチン*3を用いて解かれる。標準的な形式は T0*y(t) = T1*y(t-1) + PSI*z(t) + PI*eta(t) で与えられる。ここでyはモデル変数、zは外生変数、etaは期待の誤差を表す。
T0、T1、PSI、PI はモデルの式を定義する係数行列に過ぎない。モデルを記述する際、著者たちは構造ショックの標準偏差(「シグマ」)をPSIのパラメータとして取り込んだ。





@cmatthes_econ @marcodelnegro @paulgp @andypreston_UK @wjgatt @BachmannRudi @JavierGC14 @OtiliaBoldea @t_holden @yfatihkarahan @PfeiferEcon @Benchimolium



*3:cf. Solving the Model · DSGE.jl