昨日エントリではTony Yatesとサイモン・レン−ルイスのミクロ的基礎付けを巡る論争を紹介したが、ここで紹介したように、レン−ルイスは2ヶ月ほど前にもミクロ的基礎付けについてブログで論じている。そのレン−ルイスの議論を受けて、David Glasnerも10/25エントリでミクロ的基礎付けについて論じていた(H/T デロング)。彼はかつてのUCLAでのミクロ的基礎付けの動き(cf. ここ)などを紹介した上で、次のように書いている。
In this context microfoundations meant providing a more theoretically satisfying, more micreconomically grounded explanation for a phenomenon – “sticky wages” – that seemed somehow crucial for generating the results of the Keynesian model. I don’t think that anyone would question that microfoundations in this narrow sense has been an important and useful area of research. And it is not microfoundations in this sense that is controversial. The sense in which microfoundations is controversial is whether a macroeconomic model must show that aggregate quantities that it generates can be shown to consistent with the optimizing choices of all agents in the model. In other words, the equilibrium solution of a macroeconomic model must be such that all agents are optimizing intertemporally, subject to whatever informational imperfections are specified by the model. If the model is not derived from or consistent with the solution to such an intertemporal optimization problem, the macromodel is now considered inadequate and unworthy of consideration.
...Thus, as I have pointed out before, as much as macroeconomics may require microfoundations, microeconomics requires macrofoundations, perhaps even more so.
Now let us compare the methodological demand for microfoundations for macroeconomics, which I would describe as a kind of macroeconomic methodological reductionism, with the reductionism of Newtonian physics. Newtonian physics reduced the Keplerian laws of planetary motion to more fundamental principles of gravitation governing the motion of all bodies celestial and terrestrial. In so doing, Newtonian physics achieved an astounding increase in explanatory power and empirical scope. What has the methodological reductionism of modern macroeconomics achieved? Reductionsim was not the source, but the result, of scientific progress. But as Carlaw and Lipsey demonstrated recently in an important paper, methodological reductionism in macroeconomics has resulted in a clear retrogression in empirical and explanatory power. Thus, methodological reductionism in macroeconomics is an antiscientific exercise in methodological authoritarianism.
ここで、マクロ経済学のミクロ的基礎付けという手法への欲求――それを私は、マクロ経済学の手法上の一種の還元主義と呼びたい――を、ニュートン物理学の還元主義と比較してみよう。ニュートン物理学は、惑星の運動に関するケプラーの法則を、天空および地上のすべての物体の運動を統べるもっと基本的な万有引力の原理に還元した。それによってニュートン物理学は、説明力と実証範囲の驚くべき拡大を達成した。現代マクロ経済学の手法上の還元主義は何を達成したか? そこでの還元主義は、科学的進歩の原因ではなく、結果であった。だが、CarlawとLipseyが最近重要な論文で示したように、マクロ経済学の手法上の還元主義は、実証および説明力における明確な退歩をもたらした。従って、マクロ経済学の手法上の還元主義は、手法上の権威主義における反科学的な動きであったことになる。