エコノブロゴスフィアでミクロ的基礎付けに関する論争が起きている。最初はツイッター上の論争だったようだが、当事者の一人であるTony Yates(BOE出身で現在はブリストル大学勤務)が「Why microfoundations have merit」と題したブログ記事を上げ、アダム・ポーゼンがミクロ的基礎付けには得るところがない(without merit)と腐したのに改めて反論したことから、戦線がエコノブロゴスフィアに広がった。そのブログ記事にサイモン・レン−ルイスが反応し、ミクロ的基礎付けを持つモデルとデータに適合するモデルの折衷モデル(eclectic model)が良い、という持説を展開した*1。それにYatesが反論し、それにさらにレン−ルイスが反論した*2。また、ノアピニオン氏が両者の論争の概要を紹介したほか、Nick Rowe、Stephen Williamson、クルーグマンが今回の論争を契機としてミクロ的基礎付けについて自らの考察を述べている。
“Microfounded models are models which tell an explicit story about what the people, firms, and large agents in a model do, and why”This would be a credible argument if the stories were, in fact, true. They are not.
Chris Sims:
“We know these stories aren’t true. There is no K, there is no P, there is no C. There are no infinitesimal monopolistically competitive firms. Individuals do not respond instantly, continuously and rationally to the macroeconomic state. And that these things are all myths matters for how the data behave.”
Your quote from Sims in response to my noting that microfounded models ‘tell and explicit story’… is also completely inappropriate. He is extremely hard-line in support of the twin statistical/theoretic approach advocated in my post. You don’t seem to have followed the post at all in this regard. The point is to explain that microfounded models establish properties of a possible world. Non-microfounded theoretical models do not. They are at best unverified guesses at what such a possible world might look like. At worst, they are misleading hoaxes that try to convince you they are saying something economic, but aren’t. Non-microfounded statistical models are useful in ways explained in the post, and can be used to answer some limited questions of interest to policy if you can find credible identification. The whole point of the ‘stories’ in microfounded models is that they are false. If they were not, it would be impossible to enumerate, construct and manipulate them to discern their properties.
Sims : I disagree strongly with many views of Sims, but still I hold him in high regard. I actually have read the paper and strongly disagree with him when he says Bayesian DSGEs are “credible probability models of the data”. This, IMHO, is nonsense. In macro there is no such thing as a credible probability model of the data in general. The point of the SIms quote was to point out that even someone like Sims, contrary to your claim, admits such a model is not true in terms of the stories it tells.
” The point is to explain that microfounded models establish properties of a possible world. Non-microfounded theoretical models do not. ”Scientifically speaking, this is just nonsense. We are not interested in the properties of an arbitrary world. We are interested in, and only in, properties of the world that we inhabit. There is no good reason to believe that properties of your imaginary world accurately reflect properties of the real world. And since they do not, but only create such an illusion in the minds of the naive, the brainwashed and the scientifically illiterate, they are actually worse than useless: They are actively dangerous.
” [Non microfounded models] are at best unverified guesses at what such a possible world might look like.”Ideally, they are supposed to be guesses about the world we live in, not some arbitrary, imaginary world. All scientific hypothesis start of as unverified guesses. We accept, reject or modify them based on out of sample performance, and their external validity.
You didn’t process any of my claims. No one suggests these models are true. What some claim is that they are useful. Sims, like all in the microfounded camp, accept their falsehood, and embrace it. But defend their usefulness.
I agree that non microfounded models and microfounded models are guesses about the world we live in. But non microfounded models are incomplete guesses, and are not coherent accounts of any economy; they are just equations linking time series. They may forecast well. [As do many microfounded models]. They are just as arbitary and imaginary and false as microfounded models, only they are empty of any hypotheses about what people in an economy are doing, or firms are doing, that can be verified as false, or judged to be false but not far off, or whatever.