
先日紹介した量的緩和がデフレ的になるというWilliamsonの論考を受け、FT Alphavilleのイザベラ・カミンスカが、自分も似たようなことを以前から考えていた、ただしメカニズムはWilliamsonとは少し違うが、と書いた。これをNick RoweがWilliamsonの論考と合わせて(犯意の無い)経済版ソーカル事件評し、サムナーもカミンスカの書いていることは良く分からん、というブログ記事を上げた。ただ、そのブログ記事でのサムナーの表現が拙かったため、ノアピニオン氏がコメント欄で噛み付き、デロングも自ブログでサムナーを批判し、さらにはカミンスカ自身も自ブログで市場マネタリスト応戦するという騒ぎに発展した(ツイッター上でも延焼し、ライアン・アベントが消火に駆けつけ、タイラー・コーエンもサムナーに悪意は無かったと弁護する、という展開が見られた)。その後、サムナーは自ブログの後続エントリやデロングエントリのコメント欄で自らの真意を釈明したほか、カミンスカにも直接釈明したようで、彼女は自ブログ記事でそれを受け入れたことを追記し、「We have made peace. All is well in the galaxy.」と書いている。
この件をDavid Glasnerが取り上げ、市場マネタリストは金融の実務を知らないというカミンスカ側の批判は分かるが、金融の伝達経路の詳細を盛り込むことによって、総需要の落ち込みが問題という市場マネタリストらの主張がどう変わるべきなのかは未だ不明、と書いた。するとカミンスカがコメント欄に降臨し、以下のようなことを書いた。

“There isn’t enough of this paper” “The market is so illiquid” are just some of the things I hear time and time again from the buyside. I was at an investor credit meeting just the other day in Geneva, and this point was again being drilled home over and over again. I asked if there had been any improvement, and the answer was no it had probably got worst. This particular investment manager (not a small one) was so keen to find value in the “safe asset world” they had decided to take due diligence in-house. So the role that would ordinarily be played by credit agencies is now being played by investment funds directly. This is because a) fund managers don’t trust credit ratings anymore b) they feel they are over reacting or under reacting to risk and c) they think they can do a better job themselves. A key point is in this is the direct evaluation of the underlying collateral underpinning securitisations. This never really used to be the case before.

Either way the emphasis on safety was apparent.

My point on the deflationary front is simply until these plumbing issues are resolved, and/or investors are crowded out so much that they feel they might as well start taking risk, adding more base money can have unexpected and even deflationary effects that run contrary to normal understanding.

And I feel this will continue for as long as unsecured lending markets remain frozen. For as long as they do remain frozen, collateral takes on its own moneyness feature, simply because cash on deposit bears more risk relatively speaking.

That said, I 100% agree with the likes of Brad Delong, that in the grand scheme this is largely irrelevant because the whole point with QE is to crowd out these investors so that they do feel compelled to take risk elsewhere. All I’m saying is that their capacity to remain committed to “safe assets” — even with negative nominal returns — may be larger than most people appreciate.


I wish I understood finance better.
Here is one thing I do not understand:
I read some finance people as saying that QE may be deflationary because it reduces the supply of safe assets that can be used as colateral. (Is that what they are saying?)
But QE (a silly new name for Open Market Operations) means swapping currency for TBills. Is currency not a safe asset? Can currency not be used as colateral? Is it not at least as good as Tbills for those purposes? If you are worried about theft, simply staple together 1,000 $100 bills, stick them in a safety deposit box, and keep a record of who owns the contents of that box (100% reserve banking). Isn’t currency at least as safe and liquid as Tbills? Or, for “currency” read “reserves at the Fed”. At worst, QE is just swapping one equally safe asset for another.
(And if the response is “But Tbills pay interest, and currency doesn’t!”, that just begs the question “why?”, and what happens to that interest rate when the Fed does QE?)
A second thing:
Why not just spend the currency (or claims on currency in a 100% reserve bank) instead of going to the hassle of using the Tbill as colateral for getting a loan of money to spend?
A third thing:
Do the finance people who make that argument understand that currency (plus other liabilities of the Fed like reserves) is the medium of account? If QE causes the supply of Fed liabilities to be too big, and the supply of Tbills to be too small, that would presumably make Fed liabilities worth less and Tbills worth more. But since Fed liabilities are the medium of account, if the medium of account is worth less, that is inflationary.
しかし量的緩和公開市場操作の新しい馬鹿げた呼び名)は貨幣を短期国債と交換することを意味する。貨幣は安全資産ではないのだろうか? 貨幣は担保として使えないのだろうか? そうした目的に関して貨幣は少なくとも短期国債と同じくらい有用ではないだろうか? 盗難が心配と言うならば、100ドル札1000枚をホチキス止めして貸金庫に突っ込み、所有者を明確にしておけば良いだけの話だ(100%準備銀行の出来上がり)。貨幣は少なくとも短期国債と同じくらい安全かつ流動的ではないのか? あるいは、「貨幣」を「FRBの準備預金」と読み替えても良い。悪く言っても、量的緩和は安全資産を同様に安全な資産と交換しているに過ぎない。
上記の主張を行う金融関係者は、貨幣(および準備預金のようなFRBのその他の負債)が価値の尺度であることを理解しているのだろうか? 量的緩和によってFRBの負債の供給が大きくなり過ぎ、短期国債の供給が小さくなり過ぎたならば、おそらくFRBの負債の価値は下がり、短期国債の価値は上がるだろう。しかしFRBの負債は価値の尺度なので、価値の尺度の価値が下がれば、インフレ的になる。

ちなみに、カミンスカのFT Alphavilleの元記事でも、彼女は量的緩和からデフレへの経路についてきちんと説明していない、というコメントが見られる。

Izzy gets the asset price inflation but seems to believe it doesn't feed at all into consumer price inflation (not even land prices into rents?) And though she writes and writes and writes she never really gets around to saying how QE causes deflation. Does QE reduce consumer spending? Increase productivity? How, what's the mechanism? There's a hint that negative rates have something to do with it, but it sounds like she means negative nominal rates, which we don't even have.
ジーは資産価格インフレを認めているが、それが消費者物価インフレにつながらないと信じているようだ(地価が賃貸料に跳ね返ることも無い?) 彼女は色々と書きまくっているが、量的緩和がどのようにデフレを引き起こすかについて書くことはついぞ無い。量的緩和は消費支出を減らすのか? それとも生産性を上昇させるのか? どのように波及し、メカニズムは何なのか? マイナス金利が関係すると匂わせてはいるが、それはマイナスの名目金利のことを指しているようだ。しかし実際の名目金利はマイナスにはなっていない。