
キューバ危機になぞらえたであろう表題(原題は「Thirteen days in October: how central bank balance sheets can support monetary and financial stability」)の講演をイングランド銀行の市場担当エグゼクティブディレクター、アンドリュー・ハウザー(Andrew Hauser)が行っている(H/T Mostly Economics関連日本語記事)。以下はその冒頭。

What a difference a month makes!
My original plan for this speech, back in early September, had been to talk through the Bank of England’s plans for accelerating its unwind of Quantitative Easing (QE) by selling government bonds.
That story can still be told – because QE sales began, successfully, on 1 November.
But the tale also has a surprise new chapter – a programme of temporary and targeted asset purchases that ran for 13 days between 28 September and 14 October, aimed at heading off a clear and present threat to financial stability.
Switching so rapidly from planned sales, to purchases, and back to sales again might appear to some to imply a confusing or contradictory policy stance. But I want to show today how, through a combination of operational choices – clear communications, robust tool design, and following through on pre-commitments – it is possible to use the central bank balance sheet to support both monetary and financial stability, in ways that reinforce and complement, rather than undermine, either goal.
In my remaining remarks I will first describe the events that triggered our extraordinary intervention, and the ways in which we designed that intervention to maintain clear separation from the monetary stance – drawing on national and international thinking that has been underway since the 2020 ‘dash for cash’.
I will then explain why we have returned to asset sales in support of monetary stability, and how those operations in turn have been designed to minimise the risks of triggering renewed dysfunction.
Finally, I will conclude by identifying some possible lessons and next steps.