
という主旨の論文をUDADISIが紹介している。論文のタイトルは「Same Same But Different: Dialects and Trade」で、著者はAlfred Lameli(ドイツ言語地理研究所(Research Centre Deutscher Sprachatlas))、Volker Nitsch(ダルムシュタット工科大学)、Jens Südekum(デュースブルク=エッセン大学メルカトル経営大学院(MSM))、Nikolaus Wolf(フンボルト大学ベルリン)。以下はその要旨。

Language is a strong and robust determinant of international trade patterns: Countries sharing a common language trade significantly more with each other than countries using different languages, holding other factors constant. In this paper, we show that this trade-promoting effect of language is likely to reflect cultural ties, rather than lower costs of communication or similar institutions. Analyzing unique data for a single-language country, Germany, we find that similarities in the local dialect between regions have a sizable and significant positive impact on intra-national trade. We interpret this finding as evidence for the effect of culture on trade.