Now, three trillion dollars sounds like a heck of a lot of liabilities. There is no danger of bankruptcy, however. That's because Fed liabilities are not debt; or, if they are (as in the case of reserves), they are made redeemable in cash, which the Fed can print at any time. Fed liabilities are more like equity shares, than debt. That is, there is a risk of dilution (inflation), but no risk of bankruptcy.
Next question: what did the Fed do with all this money it "printed" up (out of thin air, I might add)? Many people are likely to conjure up an image of "Helicopter Ben."
Alas, that's not quite how it works (even if it does work this way in some other countries, like the recent experience in Zimbabwe). You see, while the Fed is "pumping money into the economy," it is simultaneously sucking some other group of assets out of the economy.
To put things in a slightly different way, the Fed is acting much like, um...well, much like a bank. That is, the Fed finances acquisitions of less liquid assets with more liquid liabilities.
ちなみにAndolfattoは、「本業」のセントルイス連銀レポートでもインフレ率と期待インフレ率が落ち着いていることを指摘し、以ってFRBが政府債務をマネタイズしていないことの証左としている(H/T Mostly Economics)。
If the recent rapid accumulation of Treasury debt on the Fed’s balance sheet constitutes a permanent acquisition, then the corresponding supply of new money would be expected to remain in the economy (as either cash in circulation or bank reserves) permanently as well. As the interest earned on securities held by the Fed is remitted to the Treasury, the government essentially can borrow and spend this money for free. If, on the other hand, the recent increase in Fed Treasury debt holdings is only temporary (an unusually large acquisition in response to an unusually large recession), then the public must expect that the monetary base at some point will return to a more normal level (through sales of securities or by letting the securities mature without replacing them). Under this latter scenario, the Fed is not monetizing government debt—it is simply managing the supply of the monetary base in accordance with the goals set by its dual mandate. Some means other than money creation will be needed to finance the Treasury debt returned to the public through open market sales.
For the record, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke has repeatedly propounded this latter view (see, for example, Bernanke, 2012). The credibility of Fed policy is arguably reflected in the time path of inflation and inflation expectations. Since 2008, inflation has averaged less than the Fed’s official long-run inflation target of 2 percent per year. Moreover, market-based measures of inflation expectations remain well anchored (see Pasaogullari and Waiwood, 2012). So it seems that to this point, at least, the Fed’s credibility is passing the market test.
念のため記しておくと、ベン・バーナンキFRB議長は後者の見解を何度と無く明らかにしている(例えば2012年の講演を参照)。FRBの政策への信頼は、インフレと期待インフレの時間経路に論証可能な形で反映されている。2008年以降、インフレは平均的にFRBの公式の長期インフレ目標である年率2%よりも低い水準で推移した。また、期待インフレの市場ベースの指標も落ち着いている(Pasaogullari and Waiwood, 2012参照)。従って、少なくとも今までのところは、FRBの信頼性は市場のテストをパスしている。