
昨日はUDADISIの2012年経済学論文ランキングの第5位の論文を紹介したが、今日は第8位の論文を紹介してみる*1。(論文のタイトルは「Integrating Ethnographic Principles In Ngo Monitoring And Impact Evaluation」で、著者は豪州ニューサウスウェールズ大学・国立エイズ社会学研究所のPeter Aggletonと英国Options Consultancy ServicesのStephen A. Bell*2)。


Two recent developments have important implications for how the impact of social change programming is understood in international development. First, there is growing concern for ways of monitoring programmes and assessing impact that are more grounded in the realities of practice than some ‘results-based’ methods currently promoted and utilised. Second, there are calls for greater use of anthropological methods in non-governmental organisation (NGO) programme evaluation. This paper draws on findings from recent research in Uganda examining NGO-led HIV prevention and sexual health programmes with rural youth. It reveals how rigorous qualitative research using ethnographic principles will enable practitioners to learn how best to strengthen programme delivery.


. . . [T]his paper argues that ethnographic evaluation can make an essential contribution to impact evaluation by providing explanations as to why interventions have not been successful, as well as an evidence base for improving programme design and implementation generated by interaction with community members.
[Ethnographic evaluation] makes an essential contribution by providing robust explanations as to why interventions have not been very successful, as well as an evidence base for improving programme design and implementation. Key areas in which programme improvement cannot occur as a result of this deeper insight include a better understanding of (i) underlying principles and assumptions of programme approaches, (ii) the socio-cultural logics influencing young people’s decision-making, (iii) unexpected sexual health outcomes and (iv) local barriers to programme delivery and efficacy.
民族誌学的な評価は、介入が成功しなかった確固たる理由を提供したり、計画の設計や実装を改善するための実証基盤を提供することにより、重要な貢献を行う。こうしたより深い考察の結果として計画を改善し得る*3重要な領域には、(i) 計画のアプローチが拠って立つ原理と前提、(ii) 若者の意思決定に影響を与える社会文化的な論理、(iii) 予期せぬ性健康上の結果、(iv) 計画の遂行や実効性に対する地域固有の障害、をより良く理解することが含まれる。


*1:cf. 第6位の論文は8/3、第7位の論文は12/17に紹介済み。

