
23日のエントリIMFの機関誌に掲載されたアカロフの記事に軽く触れたが、この記事はマンキューがリンクしているほか、アカロフの教え子だというメンジー・チンがEconbrowserで紹介している。ただ、一番興味深かったのは、Mostly Economicsの以下の紹介文。

What strikes you in the profile (and most of Akerlof’s work) is his focus on unemployment. It is like his lemon/ information asymmetry papers are just part of some random thoughts which econs keep getting from time to time:

この紹介文の後で、Mostly Economicsは記事から以下の文章を引用している。

Akerlof says the topic that has motivated him the most over his 40-year career is unemployment. “I have always thought of unemployment as a terrible thing. In fact that has been the motivation for almost everything I have ever written. A person without a job loses not just his income but often the sense that he is fulfilling the duties expected of him as a human being.”



In his 2001 Nobel lecture, Akerlof describes his own life as a child and young man as mostly a happy one, but subject to the vicissitudes of his father’s career. Akerlof remembers thinking that “if my father lost his job, and my family stopped spending their money, then another father would lose their job and so on. The economy would spiral downward.” Worries about his father’s job prospects may explain, he wrote in the lecture, why “in some sense I began work on unemployment theory when I was 12. Fifty years later I am still mulling over the same subject.”
