
昨日IMFのFinance & Developmentサイトに掲載されたピサリデスの記事から彼の労働経済学への2つの貢献を紹介したが、同記事ではそれぞれの貢献から引き出された実務的ないし政策的意義についても記述されている。


Pissarides’s work on the matching function led to a revival of interest in the Beveridge curve, the relationship between unemployment and job vacancies. The relationship itself had been observed by the British economist and social reformer William Beveridge in the 1940s: when the economy was booming, unemployment was low and vacancies were high, and the converse was true in a slump. Pissarides not only provided a theoretical foundation for the curve but helped interpret movements around it—known as “loops”—when the economy was coming out of a recession. As U.S. and other labor markets struggle today to shake off the effects of the Great Recession, there are loops around the Beveridge curve, just as Pissarides predicted (see Chart 1).


Another practical implication of Pissarides’s work is its support for policies that help the unemployed get back to work. These policies, known as “active” labor market policies, affect workers’ motivation to search for and accept jobs. Economists agree that workers should receive income support during periods of unemployment, but Pissarides wrote in his Nobel lecture that policies should also “provide incentives for more intensive job search, [which] can shift the Beveridge Curve toward the origin, and improve the performance of the labor market in matching workers to jobs.” Without such active policies, the duration of unemployment ends up being very long, which further “disillusions the unemployed . . . and disenfranchises workers from the labor force.”


These findings have made their way into policy circles and have influenced how governments react to downturns in the labor market. In the United Kingdom for instance, Pissarides told F&D, active policies “played an important role in containing long-term unemployment” during the Great Recession. In contrast, he says, the United States did the right thing by providing unemployment benefits but did not put enough effort into getting the unemployed back into jobs through active labor market policies, leading to a worrisome increase in U.S. long-term unemployment. George Akerlof, a 2001 Nobel Prize winner and also known for his work on unemployment, says that “the emphasis Chris put on the loss of skills as spells of unemployment lengthen—and hence the need to keep unemployment from becoming long term—is one of his lasting contributions.”


  • 労働者を解雇する際にコストを課すという多くの国で実施されている労働者保護政策は、雇用破壊を制限するものの、雇用創出をも妨げる。というのは、雇用創出の際に企業は将来の解雇時のコストまで見越すからである。
  • その結果、被雇用者を保護するほど失業期間が長引くという恐るべき効果が生み出される(図2参照)。


  • そうした逆説的効果に鑑みてDMPモデルから導き出されたスローガンは、「職ではなく労働者を保護せよ」というものであった。
  • 過剰な雇用保護は、若年者の高失業にもつながる。というのは、若年層の方が自分の適性や志向を分かっておらず、企業側も彼らの能力を把握し難いため、仕事を探す機会をより多く与えられるべきだからである。彼らが最初のボーイフレンドやガールフレンドと結婚すると期待しないのと同様、最初の職にずっと留まると期待すべきではない。雇用保護は高齢の男性を助けるものの、女性や若年層といった労働力人口をより頻繁に出入りする労働者にとっては不利となる。