
Nick Roweカナダ銀行FRBを対比させながら、金融政策のルールと裁量について論じている。

I just can't get interested in the Bank of Canada right now. I can only think about the Fed. The Bank of Canada is just too boring. Which it should be.
The Bank of Canada raised the overnight rate to 1.00% on Wednesday. I think that was a mistake. If I were sure it were a mistake, and if I could prove it, or if I thought it mattered a lot, I would write a post on it. But I don't, can't, and don't; so I won't.

It's not just that Canada seems (touch wood) to be recovering from the recession and the US isn't. Nor just that Canada is boring and America exciting. It's because of a very old debate in monetary policy: rules vs discretion.
The Bank of Canada is boring because I already know its strategy. I know what it is trying to do. The Fed is exciting because I don't know what it is trying to do. Non-economists know better what the Bank of Canada is trying to do than expert Fed-watchers know what the Fed is trying to do. The Bank of Canada is targeting 2% inflation; everyone knows that. Fed-watchers don't know the Fed's target. It's a bit like Kremlinology in the old days.

The Bank of Canada is following a rule; the Fed isn't.
The rules vs discretion debate took a wrong turn during the arguments over the "monetary policy ineffectiveness proposition" in the 1970's. It was really a debate over whether simple rules could do as well as more complex feedback rules, not over rules vs discretion. That became clearer with hindsight. But very complex feedback rules, where it is hard to specify in advance what you would do in every possible circumstance, look a lot like discretion.
Inflation targeting wasn't something dreamed up in academic seminars. It came out of the central banks themselves, and their interactions with governments. But it turned out to fit right in with the rules vs discretion debate.
Because people know where the Bank of Canada wants the economy to go, and believe it will get it there eventually, small tactical mistakes (if that's what they are) by the Bank of Canada really don't matter very much. They have very little effect on people's expectations. They aren't really worth blogging about. David Beckworth shows how expected inflation in the US has been falling a lot over the past 8 months. People don't know where the Fed wants the economy to go, and keep on revising their expectations down. Fed-watchers don't know either.

That's no way to run monetary policy. We can argue about what the Fed's target should be, and about what tactics would best hit that target. But it ought at least say what its target is.







You North Americans, you forget us Downunder. The Reserve Bank of Australia is every bit as boring as the Bank of Canada! And that is a good thing.
君たち北米人は、下の方にいる我々のことをお忘れのようだ。オーストラリア準備銀行はカナダ銀行とまったく同じくらい退屈でっせ! そしてそれは良いことなんだ。

これに対しRoweは、忘れていないし、自分の文章は、カナダ銀行→オーストラリア準備銀行&2%→2.5%と置き換えればそのまま成立する、と応じている。また、メキシコ中央銀行&3%±1%としても同じだ、と書いた上で、この±1%というのは大した意味を持たない、というのは中心の値を目指さない限りそのレンジ内に収めることはできないからだ、と書いている。その上で、こうした各中央銀行の戦術が不確定だとしても、戦略は確定している(Only the tactics are uncertain, not the strategy)、ということを強調している。


Of course, when the Bank of Canada acts as lender of last resort, rather than doing monetary policy in the narrow sense, it's just as bad as the Fed. There are no rules; it's all discretion.