
というJournal of Economic Perspectives論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Retrospectives: On the Evolution of the Rules versus Discretion Debate in Monetary Policy」で、著者はHarris Dellas(ベルン大)、George S. Tavlas(ギリシャ銀行)。

Episodes of macroeconomic upheaval associated with monetary policy failure have provided the stage for important debates on rules versus discretion. We discuss the main features, results, commonalities, and differences in the debates that emerged after three such episodes. The modern debate was born during the Great Inflation of the 1970s and focused on both rules versus discretion and the properties of alternative rules. The middle debate originated with Henry Simons and the Chicago School during the Great Depression in the 1930s and focuses on policy uncertainty. The earliest systematic debate involved the Currency and Banking Schools in Britain in the 1820s, but, in spite the views of many of its participants and doctrinal historians, it seems to have primarily been about the degree of activism under a single rule—that of the gold standard.


We believe that the ideas of “rules” and discretion used by participants in the Currency School versus Banking School debate do not correspond to their modern usage. After all, both groups favored a rule—the gold standard rule. In fact, there was no opportunistic, activist use of monetary policy preceding or during these debates. Their disagreement was about the best rule for ensuring balance-of-payments adjustment under the gold standard, and in particular, about the use of policy instruments to react to exceptional circumstances—that is, to excessive gold flows. Neither side recognized the possibility that monetary policy could be formulated on the basis of an activist rule that is both systematic and predictable. From a modern perspective, an increase in the discount rate to stem gold outflows once reserves have fallen to a certain level, as under the Banking School framework, does not constitute a “discretionary regime” any more than does a hike in the interest rate in response to a rise in inflation under the Taylor rule.
We conjecture that extensive usage of the terms “rules” and “discretion” by participants in the Currency-Banking School debate has misled some modern historians into taking these terms at face value, rather than recognizing that an activist but well-defined rule is not synonymous with a policy discretion.


This paper has provided a discussion of the evolution (in reverse timeline) of the rules versus discretion debate in monetary policy. All three of the major debates discussed here were initiated in periods of macroeconomic malfeasance and significant monetary policy failures. All leaned strongly, or were decided in favor of, rules. All emphasize the crucial role played by the successful management of expectations for the superiority of rules. And all were cognizant of the fact that a high degree of
activism in a rule may create room for discretion—and may even prove counterproductive if it carries excessive informational requirements for the policymakers. In contrast to the two earlier debates, the modern literature seems to have faith in the
performance of relatively complex and activist rules—perhaps reflecting the confidence of macroeconomists about their understanding of the economy and their ability to manage the business cycle.