というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「The Effect of Vaccine Mandates on Disease Spread: Evidence from College COVID-19 Mandates」で、著者はRiley K. Acton(マイアミ大)、Wenjia Cao(ミシガン州立大)、Emily E. Cook(テュレーン大)、Scott A. Imberman(ミシガン州立大)、Michael F. Lovenheim(コーネル大)。
Since the spring of 2021, nearly 700 colleges and universities in the U.S. have mandated that their students become vaccinated against the COVID-19 virus. We leverage rich data on colleges’ vaccination policies and semester start dates, along with a variety of county-level public health outcomes, to provide the first estimates of the effects of these mandates on the communities surrounding four-year, residential colleges. In event study specifications, we find that, over the first 13 weeks of the fall 2021 semester, college vaccine mandates reduced new COVID-19 cases by 339 per 100,000 county residents and new deaths by 5.4 per 100,000 residents, with an estimated value of lives saved between $9.7 million and $27.4 million per 100,000 residents. These figures suggest that the mandates reduced total US COVID-19 deaths in autumn 2021 by approximately 5%.