

There’s a reason Paulson et al had such a hard time communicating the case for their plan — they didn’t have a very good case. To this day they’ve never been able to explain clearly why buying up bad mortgage assets at market prices will solve the credit crunch. The Wise Men, as far as I can tell, have never had a clear idea of what they’re doing.

Bailout narratives - The New York Times



On the other hand, the way that Paulson et al have been blundering around puts the lie, I think, to the idea that this is a cynical ploy. Ideology certainly played a role — it’s probably a lingering distaste for Evil Socialism that made Treasury go for buying toxic waste rather than injecting capital. And if the Bush years have taught us anything, it is that sometimes conspiracy theories are right. But in this case the performance has been more Keystone Kops than Star Chamber.

ここでもまた映画ネタが使われている(ただ、小生はどちらも知らなかった)。Keystone Kopsは無能な警官の一団が大騒ぎするサイレント時代のドタバタ喜劇(ないしそれを演じる一座)*2、Star Chamberはピーター・ハイアムズ監督、マイケル・ダグラス主演の密殺集団(1983)を指している。

