
というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Quantitative Tightening Around the Globe: What Have We Learned?」で、著者はWenxin Du(コロンビア大)、Kristin Forbes(MIT)、Matthew N. Luzzetti(ドイツ銀行)。

This paper uses the recent cross-country experience with quantitative tightening (QT) to assess the impact of shrinking central bank balance sheets. We analyze the experience in seven advanced economies (Australia, Canada, Euro area, New Zealand, Sweden, UK and US)—documenting different strategies and the substantive reduction in central bank balance sheets that has already occurred. Then we assess the macroeconomic and financial impact of QT announcements on yields and a range of other market prices. QT announcements increase government bond yields, steepening the yield curve and potentially signaling a greater commitment to raising policy interest rates, but have more limited effects on most other financial market indicators. Active QT has a larger impact than passive QT, particularly on longer maturities. The implementation of QT has been associated with a modest rise in overnight funding spreads and a decline in the “convenience yield” of government bonds, but QT transactions did not significantly affect the pricing and market liquidity of government debt securities. Finally, we evaluate who buys assets when central banks unwind balance sheets, an issue which will become increasingly important if central banks continue to reduce their security holdings while government debt issuance remains elevated. We find that increased demand by domestic nonbanks has largely compensated for reduced bond holdings by central banks. This series of cross-country results suggests that QT has had more of an impact than “paint drying”, but far less than simply reversing the effects of the quantitative easing programs launched during periods of market stress. Looking ahead, although QT has been smooth to date, frictions could increase in the future so that QT quickly evolves into more like watching “water boil”.

この論文は3月1日にシカゴ大がニューヨークで開催した2024年の米金融政策フォーラム(US Monetary Policy Forum)で講演されたもののようで、ローガン(Lorie K. Logan)ダラス連銀総裁とウォラーFRB理事が討論している。政策担当者としてある意味当然ながら、2人ともこの研究で示されたQEとQTの非対称性に注目している。

*1:watch paint dry」は無意味で退屈な行動を表す慣用句。ここでは、2017年の記者会見で当時のイエレンFRB議長がQTをそのように喩えた(正確にはフィラデルフィア連銀のハーカー総裁がそう喩えたのを引用した)ことを指している。


というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「The Dominant Role of Expectations and Broad-Based Supply Shocks in Driving Inflation」で、著者はPaul Beaudry(ブリティッシュコロンビア大)、Chenyu Hou(香港中文大)、Franck Portier(ユニヴァーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン)。

The object of this paper is to assess the role of supply shocks, labour market tightness and expectation formation in explaining bouts of inflation. We begin by showing that a quasi-flat Phillips curve, which was popular prior to the pandemic, still fits the post-2020 US data well and that changes in short term inflation expectations induced by supply shocks likely played a major role in the recent inflation episode. We then document features of the joint dynamics of inflation and inflation expectations. Given the difficulty of reproducing these dynamics under rational expectations, we propose and evaluate a model with imperfect information and bounded rationality. In our model, agents see sectoral inflations as being driven by a component common to all the sectors of the economy and by sector-specific shocks. When supply shocks affect many sectors (what we refer to as a broad-based supply shock), agents infer that the common component of inflation has increased, which drive persistent inflation dynamics through their effect of expectations. We show that departure from full rationality is minor, but that it is enough for broad-based supply shocks to be amplified and propagated over time in a manner needed to explain the data.

論文の本文では労働市場の逼迫度として失業率ギャップ*1を使っているが、補遺では、It’s Baaack:2020年代のインフレ高騰と非線形のフィリップス曲線の復活 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介したエガートソンらの論文(Benigno and Eggertsson、2023)が用いた求人と失業率の比率(log(V/U))も使って検証している。

*1:論文の注の説明によると「The unemployment gap is computed as the unemployment rate minus the noncyclical rate of unemployment from FRED (series name NROU).」


というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページ)。原題は「Global Spillovers from FED Hikes and a Strong Dollar: The Risk Channel」で、著者はJosé Cristi(メリーランド大)、Ṣebnem Kalemli-Özcan(同)、 Mariana Sans(同)、Filiz D. Unsal(OECD)。

We study the international transmission of U.S. monetary policy (FED hikes) and a strong U.S. dollar. Both of these variables are endogenous and thus we follow the recent developments in the literature to measure the exogenous components of each from the perspective of the rest of the world (ROW). We show that while U.S. monetary policy shocks act as financial shocks increasing risk premia in emerging markets, a shock to U.S. dollar does not generate the same effect.


We focus on the effects of these shocks on heterogeneous risk premia in emerging markets (EMs) vs advanced economies (AEs), measured by deviations from uncovered interest parity (UIP). ...To uncover the global impact of U.S. monetary policy and the dollar, we rely on local projections, as proposed by Jordá (2005). ...
We find that, a tighter U.S. monetary policy leads to higher UIP premia in EMs, whereas such effects are not observed in AEs. ...
The effects of the dollar shock are strikingly different, as shown in Panels B and D of Figure 1. Now, UIP premium is decreasing in EMs and increasing in AEs, and the movements are much smaller compared to the U.S. monetary policy shock.






*1:cf. ローカル予測の分散分解に関するメモ - himaginary’s diary

*2:この点について導入部では「The intuition for these results comes from Kalemli-Özcan (2019), who showed that short-term government bond spreads increasing in emerging markets and decreasing in advanced countries, as a result of tighter U.S. monetary policy. 」と説明している(当該論文はこちら)。



というNBER論文が上がっているungated版へのリンクがある著者の一人のページブルッキングス研究所の23年秋のコンファレンスのこの論文のページ)。原題は「Global Transmission of FED Hikes: The Role of Policy Credibility and Balance Sheets」で、著者はṢebnem Kalemli-Özcan(メリーランド大)、Filiz D. Unsal(OECD)。

Contrary to historical episodes, the 2022–2023 tightening of US monetary policy has not yet triggered financial crisis in emerging markets. Why is this time different? To answer this question, we analyze the current situation through the lens of historical evidence. In emerging markets, the financial channel–based transmission of US policy historically led to more adverse outcomes compared to advanced economies, where the trade channel fails to smooth out these negative effects. When the Federal Reserve increases interest rates, global investors tend to shed risky assets in response to the tightening global financial conditions, affecting emerging markets more severely due to their lower credit ratings and higher risk profiles. This time around, the escape from emerging market assets and the increase in risk spreads have been limited. We document that the historical experience of higher risk spreads and capital outflows can be largely explained by the lack of credible monetary policies and dollar-denominated debt. The improvement in monetary policy frameworks combined with reduced levels of dollar-denominated debt have helped emerging markets weather the recent Federal Reserve hikes.
過去の事例に反し、2022-2023年の米金融政策の引き締めは、未だ新興国金融危機を引き起こしていない。なぜ今回は違うのか? この疑問に答えるべく我々は、過去の実証結果のレンズを通して現状を分析した。新興国では過去に、金融経路による米政策の伝播が先進国よりも悪い結果をもたらしてきた。そこでは、貿易経路が負の影響を除去できなかった。FRBが利上げすると、世界の金融環境の引き締まりに応じてグローバル投資家は危険資産を減らす傾向にあり、信用格付けが低くリスクプロファイルが高いために新興国はより深刻な影響を受けた。今回は、新興国市場の資産からの逃避とリスクスプレッドの拡大は限定的だった。過去のリスクスプレッドの拡大と資本流出の経験は、信頼できる金融政策の欠如とドル建ての負債で概ね説明できることを我々は明らかにした。金融政策の枠組みの改善は、ドル建ての負債水準の減少と相俟って、新興国が最近のFRBの利上げを切り抜ける助けとなった。



*1:「Theoretical discussion highlights trade and financial channel, but the relevance of the former is dismissed (too cursorily in my view)」


というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Bank Failures and Economic Activity: Evidence from the Progressive Era」で、著者はGary Richardson(UCアーバイン)、Marco Del Angel(カリフォルニア州立大学ロサンゼルス校)、Michael Gou(Tickr, Inc.)。

During the Progressive Era (1900-29), economic growth was rapid but volatile. Boom and busts witnessed the formation and failure of tens of thousands of firms and thousands of banks. This essay uses new data and methods to identify causal links between failures of banks and bankruptcies of firms. Our analysis indicates that bank failures triggered bankruptcies of firms that depended upon banks for ongoing access to commercial credit. Firms that did not depend upon banks for credit did not fail in appreciably larger numbers after banks failed or during financial panics.

著者の一人のHPによると、共著者のうちの2人が書いた別の論文がJournal of Financial Economicsに掲載されている。そちらはこの論文と同じく進歩主義時代の銀行の破綻ないし再編を扱っているが、規制当局の政治からの独立性に焦点を当てている。


というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Monetary Policy, Segmentation, and the Term Structure」で、著者はRohan Kekre(シカゴ大)、Moritz Lenel(プリンストン大)、Federico Mainardi(シカゴ大)。

We develop a segmented markets model which rationalizes the effects of monetary policy on the term structure of interest rates. When arbitrageurs’ portfolio features positive duration, an unexpected rise in the short rate lowers their wealth and raises term premia. A calibration to the U.S. economy accounts for the transmission of monetary shocks to long rates. We discuss the additional implications of our framework for state-dependence in policy transmission, the volatility and slope of the yield curve, and trends in term premia accompanying trends in the natural rate.

モデルでは、「好みの生息地(preferred habitat*2」モデルを踏まえつつ、裁定取引者の選好が従来モデルのCARA*3ではなくCRRAであるようにし、かつ、瞬間的な生ではなく永遠に若いこと(perpetual youth)を仮定したとの由*4。そのため、裁定取引者の富は、仲介者資産価格付け(intermediary asset pricing)の研究*5におけるのと同様、リスクの価格付けに関連する内生的な状態変数になったという。

「Just as the model implies that the effects of monetary policy along the term structure depend on the level of arbitrageur wealth and thus duration, it implies that the effects of other shocks similarly depend on arbitrageur wealth. Here we focus on our QE experiment used to calibrate the model. As previously noted, we simulate the March 18, 2009 announcement in the model assuming that arbitrageur wealth is initially one third less than its average value, corresponding to the decline in broker/dealer and hedge fund wealth between the fourth quarter of 2007 and first quarter of 2009. ...The model implies that the 10- and 20-year real yields and forward rates would have fallen by 20-30% less had broker/dealers and hedge funds not been so poorly capitalized at the time of the announcement.」
「Table 7 demonstrates how yield volatilities and the slope of the yield curve change when ξ →∞ and thus arbitrageurs’ initial wealth is constant. As is evident from the first row, yield volatility falls when arbitrageurs’ initial wealth is constant, although the effect is very small. The second row demonstrates that there is a more pronounced effect on stochastic volatility: while the model with endogenous wealth features stochastic volatility because short rate and demand shocks have state-dependent effects on yields as arbitrageur wealth varies, the model with exogenous wealth features constant volatilities. Since bond price volatility in the baseline model is high precisely in times with low wealth and thus high marginal utility for arbitrageurs, the final row demonstrates that it accounts for nearly one third of the unconditional slope of the yield curve. Taken together, we conclude that the endogeneity of arbitrageurs’ wealth plays an important role in shaping the unconditional properties of the term structure.」
「the decline in the natural rate in recent years has led to a sustained increase in long bond prices, recapitalizing arbitrageurs with positive duration and lowering their price of bearing risk.」

*2:cf. 需給と金利の期間構造 - himaginary’s diary

*3:cf. リスク回避 - Wikipedia

*4:本文では「Arbitrageurs trade at all maturities as well as at the short rate rt with the central bank. Arbitrageurs are born and die at rate ξ, discount the future at rate ρ, and have separable CRRA preferences over consumption upon death with risk aversion γ. Here we depart from typical preferred habitat models which assume arbitrageurs are alive instantaneously and have CARA preferences over consumption upon death.」と記述されている。

*5:e.g. セグメント化された裁定 - himaginary’s diaryで紹介した論文。


というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Bank Runs, Fragility, and Regulation」で、著者はManuel Amador(ミネソタ大)、Javier Bianchiミネアポリス連銀)。

We examine banking regulation in a macroeconomic model of bank runs. We construct a general equilibrium model where banks may default because of fundamental or self-fulfilling runs. With only fundamental defaults, we show that the competitive equilibrium is constrained efficient. However, when banks are vulnerable to runs, banks’ leverage decisions are not ex-ante optimal: individual banks do not internalize that higher leverage makes other banks more vulnerable. The theory calls for introducing minimum capital requirements, even in the absence of bailouts.

*1:導入部では「Our analysis compares the competitive equilibrium with the solution of a constrained social planner problem that chooses borrowing decisions on behalf of banks in the initial period to maximize banks’ ex-ante welfare. In this constrained-efficient allocation, banks retain the ability to default in the intermediate and final periods, and the price of capital clears the capital market in each period. The critical distinction between the constrained-efficient allocation and the competitive equilibrium is that the planner internalizes how the amount of borrowing in the initial period affects the prices of capital and, in turn, affects the continuation values for banks. In the first part of the paper, we provide welfare theorem-like results in the model where bank runs cannot happen, although banks may still default because of fundamentals. We show that competitive equilibria are constrained efficient, and establish the existence and uniqueness of a competitive equilibrium.」と説明している。

*2:導入部では「The crux of the mechanism is as follows: when banks face runs, they are net sellers of assets because they need liquidity to repay the deposits that are being withdrawn. With higher aggregate bank equity, asset prices remain elevated, making it easier for banks to access liquidity during runs. However, because banks do not account for these positive general equilibrium effects, they take on too much leverage from a social point of view.」と説明している。

*3:結論部では「Echoing previous debates following the Great Financial Crisis of 2008, many proposals for tightening banking regulation are aimed at preventing bank bailouts. In our model, raising banks’ capital requirements is desirable even in the absence of such bailouts. The basic message is that leverage and financial distress result in lower asset prices, and in turn, low asset prices make the economy more vulnerable to the damaging effects of self-fulfilling bank runs.」と説明している。