
経済学論文の掲載に時間が掛かることをテーマとしたNBER論文が8月に2つ上がっていた。一つは Lester R. Lusher(ハワイ大学マノア校)、Winnie Yang(UCデービス)、Scott E. Carrell(同)による「Congestion on the Information Superhighway: Does Economics Have a Working Papers Problem?」(ungated版)で、NBER論文そのものを分析対象として取り上げている。以下はその要旨。

Publishing takes a long time in economics. Consequently, many authors release “working” versions of their papers. Using data on the NBER working paper series, we show that the dissemination of economics research suffers from an overcrowding problem: An increase in the number of weekly released working papers on average reduces downloads, abstract views, and media attention for each paper. Subsequent publishing and citation outcomes are harmed as well. Furthermore, descriptive evidence on viewership and downloads suggests working papers significantly substitute for the dissemination function of publication. These results highlight inefficiencies in the dissemination of economic research even among the most exclusive working paper series and suggest large social losses due to the slow publication process.

もう一つは、「Publishing Economics: How Slow? Why Slow? Is Slow Productive? Fixing Slow?」(ungated版)で、著者はAboozar Hadavand(ミネルバ大)、Daniel S. Hamermesh(バーナード大)、Wesley W. Wilson(オレゴン大)。以下はその要旨。

Publishing in economics proceeds much more slowly on average than in the natural sciences, and more slowly than in other social sciences and finance. It is even relatively slower at the extremes. We demonstrate that much of the lag, especially at the extremes, arises from authors’ dilatory behavior in revising their work. The marginal product of an additional round of re-submission at the top economics journals is productive of additional subsequent citations; but conditional on re-submission, journals taking more time is not productive, and authors spending more time is associated with reduced scholarly impact. We offer several proposals to speed up the publication process. These include no-revisions policies; limits on authors’ time revising articles, and limits on editors waiting for dilatory referees.


という小論をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「A Survey on the Evolution of Keynes' Economic Thought」で、著者はBarkin Cihanli(バード大レヴィ経済研究所)。

There has been on-going controversy about the evolution of John Maynard Keynes’ thought on economic theory among economists of different schools of thought. Even though Keynes have always been considered a revolutionary in economic thought in relation with his ideas in the General Theory, Keynes did not always think about the economic thought the way he did in the General Theory. Some economists have argued that Keynes’ training in economics in Cambridge had made him subscribe to the Classical economics in his earlier years. Some has furthered this argument that Keynes’ Treatise on Money (1930) contained elements of the Classical economic theory, whereas others have opposed that Keynes have dropped the Classical economic theory by the time he wrote the Treatise and seemed to be in the process of developing what later became known as the Keynesian economics.
However, there remain fundamental questions to be answered : What kind of economics training did Keynes receive in his earlier years as a student? To what extent had Keynes’ thought gone through a dramatic change in the successive years? How different was his economic thought in the Treatise on Money (1930)? How different was the Treatise from the General Theory (1936)? This essay surveys that Keynes started to acknowledge the shortcomings of the Classical economic theory by the time he wrote the Treatise on Money. Later on, when he gave the inaugural Finlay lecture at UCD titled National Self-Sufficiency(1933), there were even more distinct evidence in favor of his deviation from the Classical Theory.
As a result, the goal of this paper is to argue that the Treatise and the National Self-Sufficiency pieces were the two primary sources that demonstrate the evolutionary path for the production of the General Theory. This is a significant issue to address, because this argument falls in line with different interpretations of the origins of the Keynesian economics, specifically the Post-Keynesian line of thought which will be analyzed in detail in this paper.
しかし、回答されるべき根本的な疑問が残っている:学生時代のケインズはどのような経済学の訓練を受けたのだろうか? その後の年月においてケインズの思想はどの程度まで劇的に変化したのだろうか? 貨幣論(1930)の彼の経済思想はどの程度変化していたのだろうか? 貨幣論から一般理論(1936)までの間の変化は? 本エッセイでは、ケインズ貨幣論を書く頃には古典派経済学理論の欠点を認識し始めていた、という点についての調査結果を示す。その後に彼が国家的自給(1933)と題して行ったユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ダブリンでの最初のフィンレイ講演には、彼の古典派理論からの逸脱を支持するさらに明確な証拠がある。


9/4エントリで取り上げたアレックス・タバロックの豪州批判にタイラー・コーエンも参戦し、「自由と安全のフロンティア(liberty vs. safety frontier)」ないし「自由と生命のフロンティア(liberty vs. lives frontier)」に豪州は乗っていないのではないか、と指摘した。タバロックのエントリに対しては豪州はそうしたフロンティアに乗っているので問題無い、というレスポンスがあったそうだが、コーエンは納得していないとの由。というのは、コーエンに言わせれば、以下の4点において豪州はやれることをやっていないからである*1

  1. 2週に一度、全員に高速抗原検査*2
  2. ワクチン接種のインセンティブを強化
  3. 抗体カクテル療法
  4. 優れているとされる豪州の医療システムを生かしたその他の手段*3



*2:cf. ここ




というNBER論文が先月上がっている昨年10月時点のWP)。原題は「Valid t-ratio Inference for IV」で、著者はDavid S. Lee(プリンストン大)、Justin McCrary(コロンビア大)、Marcelo J. Moreira(FGV)、Jack Porter(ウィスコンシン大学マディソン校)。

In the single-IV model, researchers commonly rely on t-ratio-based inference, even though the literature has quantified its potentially severe large-sample distortions. Building on the approach for correcting inference of Stock and Yogo (2005), we introduce the tF critical value function, leading to a minimized standard error adjustment factor that is a smooth function of the first-stage F-statistic. Applying the correction to a sample of 61 AER papers leads to a 25 percent increase in standard errors, on average. tF confidence intervals have shorter expected length than those of Anderson and Rubin (1949), whenever both are bounded intervals.

著者の一人(David S. Lee)がHPに補助資料を掲載しているが、そのFAQの第一問と第二問からストック=ヨゴが発見した通常の推計の問題点を引用すると以下の通り。

One of the specific findings of Stock and Yogo (2005) (see their Figure 5.2) is the following: if one uses ±1.96 critical values, and if one is willing to assert a particular minimum value (specifically, 6.88) for E[F] (the expected value of the first stage F statistic) then the significance level of the test is 10 percent (and the corresponding intervals using ±1.96*(std.error) are 90 percent confidence intervals). See Andrews, Stock, and Sun (2019) for a recent comprehensive review and discussion of weak instrument issues.
Stock and Yogo’s equations imply that E[F] must be at least 142.6 for a 5 percent test (95% confidence). See the calculation in A.7 in the Online Appendix below.

また、第三問では、弱い操作変数のt値に関するスタイガー=ストック(Staiger and Stock, 1997*4) の漸近分布と、それをシミュレーションで確認した分布が正規分布から離れていることを図で示し、以下のように書いている。

The bottom line is that the usual t-ratio test based on the ±1.96 critical values does not deliver (unqualified) valid inference at the 5 percent level of significance. That usual procedure presumes that the large-sample distribution for the t-ratio is normal in all cases; but it actually departs from normality in a predictable way.


4. So what can I do if I’d like a 5 percent test (or 95% confidence interval) without assuming anything about E[F] or ρ?

One of the options is to abandon the t-ratio, and use a different statistic. For example, you could use the test of Anderson and Rubin (1949) (AR). The inversion of the AR test can similarly be used to form a valid confidence set of intended confidence level. See Andrews, Stock, and Sun (2019) for a review of weak IV inference approaches.
“Valid t-ratio Inference for IV” provides an alternative: inflate your 2SLS standard errors by an adjustment factor that depends on the observed first-stage F statistic, using Table 3a and 3b in the paper. After adjusting the standard errors in this way, the usual confidence intervals (±1.96 * [tF adjusted std. error]) will have correct confidence level (95 percent). Just like AR, it requires no assumption about E[F] or ρ for validity. Note that the paper also shows that, in expectation, the AR confidence interval will be longer than tF intervals (when both tF and AR produce bounded intervals).

4. ではE[F]やρ*5について何も前提を置かずに5%検定(ないし95%信頼区間)を使いたい場合はどうすればよいのでしょうか?


*1:cf. これ

*2:cf. これ

*3:cf. これ

*4:cf. これ

*5:前段では「the correlation between the errors of the main and first-stage equations(主方程式と第一段階方程式の誤差項同士の相関)」と定義されている。


ウォッチメンTVシリーズのテーマともなったタルサ人種虐殺(cf. タルサ人種虐殺 - Wikipedia*1)の経済的影響を取り上げた表題のNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「After the Burning: The Economic Effects of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre」で、著者はAlex Albright(ハーバード大)、Jeremy Cook(ウィートン大)、James Feigenbaum(ボストン大)、Laura Kincaide(ハーバード大)、Jason Long(ウィートン大)、Nathan Nunn(ハーバード大)。

The 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre resulted in the looting, burning, and leveling of 35 square blocks of a once-thriving Black neighborhood. Not only did this lead to severe economic loss, but the massacre also sent a warning to Black individuals across the country that similar events were possible in their communities. We examine the economic consequences of the massacre for Black populations in Tulsa and across the United States. We find that for the Black population of Tulsa, in the two decades that followed, the massacre led to declines in home ownership and occupational status. Outside of Tulsa, we find that the massacre also reduced home ownership. These effects were strongest in communities that were more exposed to newspaper coverage of the massacre or communities that, like Tulsa, had high levels of racial segregation. Examining effects after 1940, we find that the direct negative effects of the massacre on the home ownership of Black Tulsans, as well as the spillover effects working through newspaper coverage, persist and actually widen in the second half of the 20th Century.



アレックス・タバロックが9/3付けMRブログエントリで、豪州のロックダウンは行き過ぎ、という主旨のアトランティック記事を紹介している(タイラー・コーエンもその少し前に「Has Australia gone too far?(豪州はやり過ぎたのか?)」というコメントを添えて同記事にリンクしている)。タバロックは、「今や豪州は世界で最も専制主義的な国の一つになった(Australia is now one of the most authoritarian states in the world)」というやや刺激的な文でエントリを書き出している。

Instead, Australia invested inadequately in vaccines and, once it acquired doses, was too slow to get them into arms. “Of the 16 million doses of the AstraZeneca vaccine that have been released to the government by manufacturer CSL, only about 8 million have gone into the arms of Australians,” The Age reported on August 21, citing concern about blood clots and a widespread preference for the Pfizer vaccine.


At the end of 2020, as vaccines were rolling out en masse in the Northern Hemisphere, the TGA [Therapeutic Goods Administration, AT] flatly refused to issue the emergency authorisations other regulators did. As a result, the TGA didn’t approve the Pfizer vaccine until January 25, more than six weeks after the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), itself not exactly the poster child of expeditiousness.
Similarly, the TGA didn’t approve the AstraZeneca vaccine until February 16, almost seven weeks after the UK.
In case you’re wondering “what difference does six weeks make?“, think again. Were our rollout six weeks faster, the current Sydney outbreak would likely never have exploded, saving many lives and livelihoods. In the face of an exponentially spreading virus that has become twice as infectious, six weeks is an eternity. And, indeed, nothing has changed. The TGA approved the Moderna vaccine this week, eight months after the FDA.



ということを理論的に示したNBER論文「Vaccine Hesitancy, Passports and the Demand for Vaccination」を少し前にJoshua S. Gans(トロント大)が上げている。以下はその要旨。

Vaccine hesitancy is modelled as an endogenous decision within a behavioural SIR model with endogenous agent activity. It is shown that policy interventions that directly target costs associated with vaccine adoption may counter vaccine hesitancy while those that manipulate the utility of unvaccinated agents will either lead to the same or lower rates of vaccine adoption. This latter effect arises with vaccine passports whose effects are mitigated in equilibrium by reductions in viral/disease prevalence that themselves reduce the demand for vaccination.