
経済学論文の掲載に時間が掛かることをテーマとしたNBER論文が8月に2つ上がっていた。一つは Lester R. Lusher(ハワイ大学マノア校)、Winnie Yang(UCデービス)、Scott E. Carrell(同)による「Congestion on the Information Superhighway: Does Economics Have a Working Papers Problem?」(ungated版)で、NBER論文そのものを分析対象として取り上げている。以下はその要旨。

Publishing takes a long time in economics. Consequently, many authors release “working” versions of their papers. Using data on the NBER working paper series, we show that the dissemination of economics research suffers from an overcrowding problem: An increase in the number of weekly released working papers on average reduces downloads, abstract views, and media attention for each paper. Subsequent publishing and citation outcomes are harmed as well. Furthermore, descriptive evidence on viewership and downloads suggests working papers significantly substitute for the dissemination function of publication. These results highlight inefficiencies in the dissemination of economic research even among the most exclusive working paper series and suggest large social losses due to the slow publication process.

もう一つは、「Publishing Economics: How Slow? Why Slow? Is Slow Productive? Fixing Slow?」(ungated版)で、著者はAboozar Hadavand(ミネルバ大)、Daniel S. Hamermesh(バーナード大)、Wesley W. Wilson(オレゴン大)。以下はその要旨。

Publishing in economics proceeds much more slowly on average than in the natural sciences, and more slowly than in other social sciences and finance. It is even relatively slower at the extremes. We demonstrate that much of the lag, especially at the extremes, arises from authors’ dilatory behavior in revising their work. The marginal product of an additional round of re-submission at the top economics journals is productive of additional subsequent citations; but conditional on re-submission, journals taking more time is not productive, and authors spending more time is associated with reduced scholarly impact. We offer several proposals to speed up the publication process. These include no-revisions policies; limits on authors’ time revising articles, and limits on editors waiting for dilatory referees.