
というNBER論文が上がっている。原題は「Economic Consequences of a Regime Change: Overview」で、著者はAssaf Razin(テルアビブ大)、Efraim Sadka(同)。

Regime changes toward autocracy typically reshape the judicial framework, effectively eroding the separation of powers and leading the nation toward an autocratic path. Recent instances of regime shift in Hungary, Poland, and Turkey offer templates of democratic erosion through manipulation and “democratic” means. Israel is in now amid a conflicting judicial overhaul. Whereas the manifestations of these patterns differ based on the distinct political, social, and historical contexts of each country, they invariably erode the Rule of Law and the democratic institutions. Their ideological stance sharply contrasts with the democratic norms upheld by major Western nations: the separation of powers, judicial autonomy, and the intricate web of political, civic, and social organizations cultivated since the Enlightenment. These century-old trends have been instrumental in fostering unprecedented prosperity. This paper overviews the economic consequences of regime changes from liberal democracy towards autocracy.

IMFのFinance&Development2021年3月号の記事「The Guru of Globalization: Assaf Razin of Tel Aviv University – IMF F&D」(邦訳(PDF)へのリンク)でグローバル化のグルと評されたAssaf Razin(アサフ・ラジン)は、これまでもグローバル化や移民に関するNBER論文を精力的に発表してきた*1が、今回の論文では、80歳を越して生じた*2母国の民主主義の危機に堪らず警鐘を発した切迫感が要旨からも窺える。

*1:本ブログではうち2本を移民と再分配:経済同盟の連邦制度が重要となる理由 - himaginary’s diary希望の国のエクソダス - himaginary’s diaryで紹介(前者は共著者も今回と同じ)。
