
というBIS論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Regulating big tech」で、著者はシカゴ大のルイジ・ジンガレス(Luigi Zingales)。

Digital markets are global in nature and prone to “tipping”. The combination of these two factors makes the distortions of the inevitable monopolies in these markets very large, but it also undermines any effort at dealing with these distortions at a national level. I argue that the problem can only be solved by structural interventions that restore conditions for competition. Yet, no national regulator will have the ability to do so. Regulation can only arise in an international context. Paradoxically, the increasing international tension can create political opportunities for such international regulation.

*1:A Simple Way to Measure Tipping in Digital Markets - ProMarketによれば:
In economics, tipping is the snowball effect that kicks in once a product crosses a critical point of user adoption, catapulting the supplier away from competition and towards a monopoly equilibrium. Markets that are prone to tipping are those with increasing returns to adoption on the demand side, also known as network effects. The rapid success of Google Search is a case in point.