
というBIS論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Historical monetary and financial statistics for policymakers: towards a unified framework」で、著者はClaudio Borio(BIS)、Øyvind Eitrheim(ノルウェー中央銀行)、Marc Flandreau(ペンシルベニア大、主執筆者)、Clemens Jobst(ウィーン大&オーストリア中央銀行、コーディネーター), Jan F Qvigstad(ノルウェー中央銀行)、Ryland Thomas(BOE)。

In recent years, many central banks have engaged in data projects aimed at the collection and documentation of historical monetary and financial statistics (HMFS) for their respective countries. Long runs of data for key macroeconomic time series are increasingly being used in policy-oriented research. Information from these historical databases is used to draw parallels between current developments and historical events to shed light on today's policy issues in the areas of monetary and financial stability. The aim of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) HMFS project is to establish a network between interested central banks that have already invested in local national HMFS databases, using the BIS as a hub. This BIS paper is an attempt to take stock of what counts as "good practice" in collating HMFS and how it should be implemented in different contexts.

BISのHMFSのページはこちら。論文では日銀を含めた各国中銀のHMFSチームのメンバーがコントリビューターとして挙げられているほか、日銀1966年に刊行した「明治以降本邦主要経済統計(Hundred-Year Statistics of the Japanese Economy)」がHMFSの先駆的な事例として挙げられている。