既に日本でも共同やロイターが報じているが、豪州準備銀行のブロック副総裁が同行が債務超過に陥ったことを明らかにした。その講演をMostly Economicsが「Australia central bank has negative equity due to losses from bond holdings, but nothing to worry」と題したエントリで紹介しているので、以下に孫引きしてみる。
I am going to use my time to talk about two issues: the review of our bond purchase program (BPP) during the pandemic; and the Bank’s financial statements for 2021/22. The two issues are related because, while the bond purchase program was a policy response to extraordinary economic circumstances, it has had big implications for the Bank’s balance sheet, profits and capital.
I will give you the punch lines up front. In terms of the BPP, the review concludes that it broadly achieved its aims. But one result of the change in the Bank’s balance sheet is that the Bank will report a substantial accounting loss in its 2021/22 annual accounts and, as a consequence, negative equity. This will not, however, affect the Bank’s ability to operate effectively or perform its policy functions. And over the next few years the Bank will return to positive earnings and to positive equity.
In 2021/22 the Reserve Bank recorded an accounting loss of $36.7 billion. While underlying earnings were $8.2 billion, valuation losses were $44.9 billion. Only $0.5 billion could be absorbed by the UPR so there still remained $36.2 billion in losses to distribute. The RBRF absorbed $15.4 billion of this before it was exhausted, leaving around $21 billion in losses. This will be recorded as accumulated losses on the Bank’s balance sheet (Table 2). This means that the Bank has negative equity.
Table 2: Distribution of RBA Accounting Loss in 2021/22
$ billion
– Accounting loss −36.7
– Absorbed by:
– Unrealised profits reserve −0.5
– Reserve Bank Reserve Fund −15.4
– Transferred to accumulated losses −20.8
– Other reserves 8.4
– Net equity −12.4
If any commercial entity had negative equity, assets would be insufficient to meet liabilities and therefore the company would not be a going concern. But central banks are not like commercial entities. Unlike a normal business, there are no going concern issues with a central bank in a country like Australia. Under the Reserve Bank Act, the government provides a guarantee against the liabilities of the Reserve Bank. Furthermore, since it has the ability to create money, the Bank can continue to meet its obligations as they become due and so it is not insolvent. The negative equity position will, therefore, not affect the ability of the Reserve Bank to do its job.
Indeed, a number of central banks in other countries have a similar issue – large bond portfolios that, if marked-to-market, will result in substantial accounting losses and, potentially, negative equity. But the Reserve Bank of Australia is unusual in using market value accounting without an indemnity from the Government. For example, both the Bank of England and the Reserve Bank of New Zealand use market value accounting for securities purchased under their equivalent bond purchase programs but their profits are unaffected by mark-to-market gains or losses because they are offset by a matching entry that reflects the value of their indemnity.
会計上の損失 -36.7 吸収項目 未実現利益準備金 -0.5 準備銀行準備金 -15.4 累積損失への振り替え -20.8 その他の準備金 8.4 自己資本 -12.4 どのような営利事業体でも自己資本がマイナスになったら、資産が負債に対して不十分となり、会社は事業継続ができなくなるでしょう。しかし中央銀行は営利事業体とは違います。通常の企業と異なり、豪州のような国の中央銀行には事業継続問題はありません。準備銀行法の下では、政府は準備銀行の負債に保証を提供します。また、準備銀行は貨幣を創造する能力があるため、期日を迎えた支払い義務に引き続き応えることができますので、債務不履行状態にあるわけではありません。自己資本がマイナスの状態は、従って、準備銀行が職務を遂行する能力に影響しません。