
というNBER論文が上がっている3月時点のungated版)。原題は「Information Spillovers and Sovereign Debt: Theory Meets the Eurozone Crisis」で、著者はHarold L. Cole(ペンシルベニア大)、Daniel Neuhann(テキサス大オースティン校)、Guillermo Ordoñez(ペンシルベニア大)。

We develop a theory of information spillovers in sovereign bond markets in which investors can acquire information about default risk before trading in primary and secondary markets. If primary markets are structured as multi-unit discriminatory-price auctions, an endogenous winner’s curse leads to strategic complementarities in information acquisition. As a result, shocks to default risk in one country may trigger crisis episodes with widespread information acquisition, sharp increases in the level and volatility of yields in risky countries, falling yields in safe countries, endogenous market segmentation, and arbitrage profits between primary and secondary markets. These predictions are consistent with the behavior of primary and secondary market yields, market segmentation, and measures of information acquisition during the Eurozone sovereign debt crisis.

*1:cf. Multiunit auction - Wikipediaファイナンス 2020年6月号 No.655

*2:cf. Strategic complements - Wikipedia。ungated版の本文には「...the value of information may increase in the share of informed investors who participate in the auction. However, information acquisition is a strategic complement only when the number of informed investors is low.」という記述がある(斜体は原文)。