
というNBER論文が上がっているungated(SSRN)版)。原題は「The Demand for Money, Near-Money, and Treasury Bonds」で、著者はArvind Krishnamurthy(スタンフォード大)、Wenhao Li(南カリフォルニア大)。

Bank-created money, shadow-bank money, and Treasury bonds all satisfy investors' demand for a liquid transaction medium and safe store of value. We measure the quantity of these three forms of liquidity and their corresponding liquidity premium over a sample from 1934 to 2016. We empirically examine the links between these different assets, estimating the extent to which they are substitutes, and the amount of liquidity per unit delivered by each asset. Treasury bonds and bank deposits are imperfect substitutes, in contrast to the findings of perfect substitutes of Nagel (2016). This result is directly relevant to the monetary transmission mechanism running through shifts in asset supplies, such as quantitative easing policies. Our results on the imperfect substitutability of bank and shadow-bank money also inform analyses of the coexistence of the shadow-banking and regulated banking system. We construct a new broad monetary aggregate based on our estimates and show that it helps resolve the money-demand instability and missing-money puzzles of the monetary economics literature.


Many authors have commented on the instability of traditional money demand functions (see Goldfeld and Sichel (1990), Teles and Zhou (2005), Lucas and Nicolini (2015)). The finding in the literature is that while there is a stable relation between real money demand, the nominal interest rate, and real income, in the period before 1980, this relation breaks down post-1980. The most prominent puzzle in the literature is the “missing money” of the post-1980 period, when interest rates fell and money balances rose, but not as strongly as earlier estimates would have predicted. Resolutions of this puzzle have centered on recognizing that, prompted by the banking deregulation of the 1980s, a broader set of assets than checkable deposits offer monetary services.
従来の貨幣需要関数の不安定性については多くの論文で言及されている(Goldfeld and Sichel (1990), Teles and Zhou (2005), Lucas and Nicolini (2015)参照)。こうした研究で見い出されたのは、1980年以前は実質貨幣需要名目金利、実質所得の間に安定した関係があったのに、1980年以降はその関係が壊れた、ということである。この分野における最も有名なパズルは、1980年以降の「不在貨幣」である。その期間においては、金利が低下して貨幣残高が増加した際、従前の推計が予測したほど増加は力強いものとならなかった。このパズルの解決の焦点は、1980年代の銀行の規制緩和によって、小切手を振り出すことができる預金よりも幅広い各種資産が金融サービスを提供するようになった、という認識にあった。

*1:cf. WPの紹介