
というNBER論文が少し前に上がっている。原題は「The COVID-19 Pandemic Disrupted Both School Bullying and Cyberbullying」で、著者はボストン大のAndrew Bacher-Hicks、Joshua Goodman、Jennifer G. Green、Melissa Holt。

One-fifth of U.S. high school students report being bullied each year. We use internet search data for real-time tracking of bullying patterns as COVID-19 disrupted in-person schooling. We first show that, prepandemic, internet searches contain useful information about actual bullying behavior. We then show that searches for school bullying and cyberbullying dropped 30-35 percent as schools shifted to remote learning in spring 2020. The gradual return to in-person instruction starting in fall 2020 partially returns bullying searches to pre-pandemic levels. This rare positive effect may partly explain recent mixed evidence on the pandemic’s impact on students’ mental health and well-being.


The decrease in cyberbullying is particularly noteworthy as it stands in contrast to fears that it would increase during the pandemic as youth spend more time online. That both forms of bullying decreased is, however, consistent with prior evidence that cyberbullying rarely occurs independently of in-person bullying (Waasdorp and Bradshaw, 2015) and primarily reflects in-person bullying enacted through a different medium (Modecki et al., 2014; Gini et al., 2018).
サイバーいじめの減少は、コロナ禍で若者がオンラインで過ごす時間が長くなるために増加するのではないかという懸念と対照的な結果になったことから、特筆に値する。ただ、いじめの両方の形態が減少したことは、サイバーいじめが対面でのいじめと独立に起きることは稀であり(Waasdorp and Bradshaw, 2015*1)、基本的には対面のいじめが別の手段を通じて行われているものである(Modecki et al., 2014*2; Gini et al., 2018*3)、という従来の実証結果と整合的である。


