というセントルイス連銀論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Sectoral Impacts of Trade Wars」で、著者はWan-Jung Cheng(中央研究院*1)、Ping Wang(ワシントン大)。
In recent years, we have witnessed rising trade protectionism with broad ranges of tariffs imposed on intermediate products. In this article, we develop an accounting framework to evaluate the sectoral impacts of the current U.S.-China trade war. We find that U.S. final demand and intermediate demand for goods produced by China decline significantly, with the largest losses occurring in the Electronic and ICT (information and communications technology) industry and the Electrical industry. We obtain sizable deadweight losses for the United States, particularly in the Electronic and ICT; Electrical; and Furniture industries. We also find that, with a leakage rate of 20 percent, total losses to U.S. consumers and importers are $3.3 billion, about 0.05 percent of gross U.S. output, whereas the full leakage losses are $10.7 billion, or 0.16 percent of gross U.S. output, which is twice as much as the annual welfare gains from the North America Free Trade Agreement.
*2:本文では「Formally, we define a leakage rate λ as the fraction of tariff revenues not redistributed back to consumers or importers but used for other purposes that do not benefit consumers or importers.(正式には、漏洩率λを我々は、消費者や輸入業者に還元されず、消費者や輸入業者に裨益しない他の目的に用いられる関税収入の割合、と定義する。)」と説明されている。