
というNY連銀論文をMostly Economicsが紹介している。原題は「Why Do Supervisors Rate Banking Organizations?」で、著者は同連銀のJames BerginとKevin Stiroh。

This article addresses a question that at first may appear simple: why do supervisors rate banking organizations? Prudential supervisors have a long-standing practice of confidentially rating the condition of the firms that they supervise. These ratings are used for a variety of purposes and can have important consequences. The authors analyze the history and evolution of this practice and consider how the use of ratings advances the statutory and regulatory goals of supervision of banking organizations. They conclude with a discussion of the implications for the design and implementation of bank ratings systems.
本稿は、一見単純に思えるであろう問題に取り組む。なぜ監督者は銀行組織を格付けするのか? 慎重な監督者は、監督対象の企業の状態を内々に格付けする長きに亘る慣行を有している。そうした格付けは様々な目的に用いられ、重大な帰結をもたらすこともある。著者たちはこの慣行の歴史と展開を分析し、格付けを用いることが如何に銀行組織を監督するという法律上および規制上の目標を前進させるかを検討する。また、銀行格付けシステムの設計と導入にとっての含意を論じる。

Mostly Economicsは以下の解説を添えている。

The paper shows how CAMEL approach started- Capital, Asset quality, Management, Earnings, and Liquidity. CAMEL became CAMELS where sensitivity to market risk is added as sixth factor. Currently Fed uses LFI approach: the LFI (large financial institution) system evaluates capital, liquidity, and governance and controls on a firmwide basis, with much less specific emphasis on the bank.