

Within X12-ARIMA, outliers can be dealt with implicitly or explicitly. In Step 1 of the seasonal adjustment process above, X12-ARIMA automatically identifies outliers using predetermined limits. If a value exceeds this limit it is classified as an outlier and the value is down-weighted in the subsequent iterations. This method of dealing with outliers is the implicit method and has the advantage that it is automatic and requires no manual intervention. The downside of this method, however, is that one iteration is completed before the outlier is down-weighted and, hence, the outlier influences the preliminary estimate of the trend and seasonal factor. If the outlier is extreme enough it will affect the final estimates of the trend and seasonal factor. This is illustrated in Figure 2. The outlier still affects the final estimate of the trend, even though it has been zeroweighted (as indicated by a ‘z’).
If subject-matter specialists have good a priori reason to suspect that a data point is an outlier, then another option is to override X12-ARIMA’s implicit outlier treatment. We do this by prior adjusting the series. This is the explicit method of treating outliers. The prior adjustment is done before any preliminary estimates of trend and seasonal factors are made, therefore explicitly treating an outlier will avoid the final estimates being affected by the outlier at all. ...
Prior adjustment is performed using the regression option in X12-ARIMA. Here the structure in the irregular component, due to the additive outlier, is modelled using a regression technique with the additive outlier as the regressor. The calculated parameter provides an estimate of the size of the additive outlier and this is then removed before seasonal adjustment takes place (Findley et al, 1998).
事前調整はX12-ARIMAの回帰オプションを用いて実施される。ここでは、加法型異常値によりもたらされる不規則変動の構造が、加法型異常値を説明変数とする回帰技法を用いてモデル化される。算出されたパラメータは加法型異常値の大きさの推計値になっており、季節調整が行われる前に除去される(Findley et al, 1998*3)。


*2:原注:Data from Purchases of Buses time series, Gross Domestic Expenditure.

*3:cf. ここ