
「Rationalizing Trading Frequency and Returns: Maybe Trading is Good for You」というNBER論文が上がっている。著者はYosef Bonaparte(コロラド大学デンバー校)、Russell Cooper(欧州大学院)、Mengli Sha(ペンシルベニア大)。タイトルは Brad BarberとTerrance Odeanの論文のタイトル「Trading Is Hazardous to Your Wealth: The Common Stock Investment Performance of Individual Investors」を意識したものと思われるが、内容も彼らの論文への反論になっているようである。以下はその要旨。

Barber and Odean study the relationship between trading activity and returns. They find that households who trade more have a lower net return than other households. They argue that these results cannot emerge from a model with rational traders and instead attribute these findings to overconfidence. In contrast, we find that household financial choices generated from a dynamic optimization problem with rational agents and portfolio adjustment costs can produce trading and return patterns that closely mimic these facts. Adding various forms of irrationality, modelled as beliefs about income and return processes that are not data based, do not improve the ability of the model to explain the patterns of turnover and net returns. Irrationality can improve the ability of the model to match a larger set of moments, including these turnover and net return moments coupled with those that capture the wealth to income ratio and portfolio composition.

*1:cf. ここここ