
というNBER論文が上がっているungated版)。原題は「Cash and the Economy: Evidence from India's Demonetization」で、著者はGabriel Chodorow-Reich(ハーバード大)、Gita Gopinath(同)、Prachi Mishra(ゴールドマンサックス)、Abhinav Narayanan(インド準備銀行)。

We analyze a unique episode in the history of monetary economics, the 2016 Indian “demonetization.” This policy made 86% of cash in circulation illegal tender overnight, with new notes gradually introduced over the next several months. We present a model of demonetization where agents hold cash both to satisfy a cash-in-advance constraint and for tax evasion purposes. We test the predictions of the model in the cross-section of Indian districts using several novel data sets including: a data set containing the geographic distribution of demonetized and new notes for causal inference; nightlights data and employment surveys to measure economic activity including in the informal sector; debit/credit cards and e-wallet transactions data; and banking data on deposit and credit growth. Districts experiencing more severe demonetization had relative reductions in economic activity, faster adoption of alternative payment technologies, and lower bank credit growth. The cross-sectional responses cumulate to a contraction in employment and nightlights-based output due to demonetization of 2 p.p. and of bank credit of 2 p.p. in 2016Q4 relative to their counterfactual paths, effects which dissipate over the next few months. We use our model to show these cumulated effects are a lower bound for the aggregate effects of demonetization. We conclude that unlike in the cashless limit of new-Keynesian models, in modern India cash serves an essential role in facilitating economic activity.

*1:cf. これこちらの論文では「e.g., obtained by taking to zero either the marginal utility of real balances in a model where money enters the utility function, or the fraction of "cash goods" in a cash-credit goods version of a cash-in-advance model where money is a redundant asset(例えば、貨幣が効用関数に入るモデルで実質残高の限界効用をゼロとするか、貨幣が冗長な資産となっているキャッシュ・イン・アドバンスモデルのキャッシュ・クレジット財バージョンで「貨幣財」の割合をゼロにすることによって求められる」と説明されている。