
本ブログでは、従来の経済学では注目されてこなかった金融政策の伝達経路に関する論文を幾つか紹介してきたが(e.g. 再分配経路デットサービス経路)、回転率ー流動性経路というまた新たな経路を提示した表題の論文がNBERに上がっているungated版、2年前のキヤノングローバル戦略研究所(CIGS)コンファレンスでのプレゼン資料)。原題は「Turnover Liquidity and the Transmission of Monetary Policy」で、著者はRicardo Lagos(NYU)、Shengxing Zhang(LSE)。

In this paper, we conduct an empirical, theoretical, and quantitative study of the effects of monetary policy on financial markets in general and the equity market in particular. We make three contributions. First, we provide original empirical evidence of a novel channel through which monetary policy influences financial markets: tight money increases the opportunity cost of holding the nominal assets used routinely to settle financial transactions (e.g., bank reserves, money balances), making these payment instruments scarcer. In turn, this scarcity reduces the resalability of financial assets, and this increased illiquidity leads to a reduction in price. We label this mechanism the turnover-liquidity (transmission) mechanism (of monetary policy). Second, to gain a deeper understanding of this mechanism, we develop a theory of trade in financial over-the-counter (OTC) markets (that nests the competitive benchmark as a special case) in which money is used as a medium of exchange in financial transactions. The model shows how the details of the market microstructure and the quantity of money shape the performance of financial markets (e.g., as gauged by standard measures of market liquidity), contribute to the determination of asset prices (e.g., through the resale option value of assets), and -- consistent with the evidence we document -- offer a liquidity-based explanation for the negative correlation between real stock returns and unexpected increases in the nominal interest rate that is used to implement monetary policy. Third, we bring the theory to the data. We calibrate a generalized version of the basic model and use it to conduct quantitative theoretical exercises designed to assess the ability of the theory to match the empirical effects of monetary policy on asset prices, both on policy announcement days and at longer horizons.
